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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

WTF Commish?

Randstain 40
Q-Spot 38
SkHank 33
D.Po 20
Timmy! 17
Syph 14
Brofro 9
Sock Puppy 5
Commish 1
McLovin -1
Clemstain -6
SeaScrote -7
Snott -11

Sure, I try to take a little me time down on the farm and leave the keys for the Commish to fill in. One day. One fucking day. He makes a total shit show of his first attempt to score the proceedings. A new low.  I'll take credit for dicking over McLovin- I diddled him one time too many last week. But I have no idea how Dumbshitsuke could totally hose the rest of the scores. Well, yes, I could. I occasionally let the Commish do things on his own, make him feel independent and such. And he never fails to screw it up. Unbelievable. He is a mess, people. I'm telling you. A mess.


  1. D. Po. Candidlly? Just among us. What did you expect? I mean really expect? Really, Really. Expect. Really. He' s a fuckin' Commisioner. One thats been around for a long tome. Look at what is happening to Stern. Think of Bettman. It starts to make sense in that context. Doesn't it?

  2. I liked the Commish's number for me better.....what's accuracy got to do with anything?!?!


  3. Nice pig ass by the way..

    just sayin'


  4. Suuueeeeey, Piggy. Welcome back, DBung.
    This is why we occasionally discount double check our numbers.
    Built in redundancy.
    Speciall feature, NEW, this year from...
    Full Service Commissioner for Life.
