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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Dozen Weeks of this Bitchery

I could give a fuck what happens this weekend.
My team, broken, beat down to shit and gone, injuries all the way to the three deep bone, has a bye.
Next week we play Texas, I think. They'll probably douche all over themselves this week so beating them won't matter because they won't be ranked. Woe. Pain. Suffering in the extreme. You all, all of you, suck.

(10) Florida State @ Maryland. Enjoy the ritual sacrifice, Chipn'Sore
Iowa @ (23) Michigan. Wait. Will somebody tell me who the assholes are that keep ranking Michigan? Everyone knows the Big Ten sucks this year, yet every time Michigan wins a game ( IN THE BIG 10) it's "OOOOh, Go BLUE!" Let's get McLovin" another Diddle. You deserve to lose to Iowa, Mike.
NC State @ (11) Clemson. No hesitation here. I hope you get your ass kicked in so far by the Wolf Pack that you have to stand on your head facing away from the toilet to urinate. Timmy. Suck, suck and suck again.
(6) The Ohio State University @ Wisconsin. Make no mistake, BRFLtards. Wisconsin is a team full of total dicks. Their coach is the biggest asshole in the Midwest. But this is 2012, the year God damned me to  hell and turned his fucking back on me, Big Time and Wisconsin is so hard to beat at  home that I am on the throne 5 or 6 times a day, cramping up and expelling things that I can't even begin to talk about because I know that Wisconsin is going to win this game and shit all over the Bucks perfect season. Hating.
(13) Oklahoma @ West Virginia. Eat SHIT, Bob Stoops. Good luck, Seannie Graham.
(2) Kansas State @ Baylor. Jesus of Nazareth could suit up for Baylor and they will still die like dogs. Kansas State is in a supernatural zone of nut-punching grace. They win. You're rich, Q.
Virginia Tech @ Boston College. ClemboSlice, I am so, so sorry. I don't blame you for wishing I had small pox.
TCU with the bye week. See above, MegaDouches.
(14) Stanford @ (1) Oregon. Mr. Clueless vs. Mr. RimProbe. Purely from a financial standpoint, got to see the DPist lose. Go Cardinal.
Arizona @ Utah. I think of you like fellow passengers on the Titanic must have thought about each other, ScumPuppet. I guess. Wasn't there.
Jacksonville State @ (7) Florida. Jacksonville State, Randingle? Wow. What a nail biter this one will be.
Ohio Bobcats @ Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. Going on right now. This is interesting. BroFro, you need to crush these guys hard. Go for two every time. On sides kicks. The works. Because next week you play Kent State, a ranked team. Knock those student-shooting,  national guard psycho shit bags off and you could end up ranked and in clover, my brother. BRFL speaking.

Best regards,



  1. BroFro, NO!! They hung 52 points on your Bobcats.
    Ball State!? I don't know, Dude. Even if you beat the Golden Flashes next weekend, you may have seen your last diddle for 2012. WTF is with the Wednesday night game anyway? Bad Juju playing on a Wednesday night. Everybody knows that.

  2. RandBlowMe, your QB is not suiting up against J'Ville State. Hope springs eternal. For you to lose like General Custer, all alone on a hill and shot full of arrows by smelly, illiterate savages. Best wishes, Fucker.

  3. Snott, you're on like, what, your 10th QB? This peckerhead is a 5th year senior who never broke the starting line up and has had, I believe, at last count, 16 major knee surgeries. Your own coach, an acknowledged transgender douchenozzle,questioned his "arm strength". Not very reassuring. Of course you can always feed it to Montee SuckBalls on every down, like every other game but you're not playing Indiana this week, DingleHole. Good luck, StoolSwatch.

  4. OctoBoyd!!
    Dabo's rule of eights!

  5. Fuck a duck. 8 TDs . Drop again. Fuck.

    1. Rimmy!, I don't get that either. I guess your boys started slow but then they buried them. Drop? Where's teh love? Where's the respect?
      Does anyone have the OctoMon on their Heismaniac ballot?
      That shit is all fucked up now. Collin Klein? 3 picks and 4 failed runs from the 1. AJ McCarron? Outplayed by Johnny Football. Kenjon Barner? Not.
