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Friday, November 2, 2012

Citizens of Bitchopolis, Hear Me.

Week 10, Men.

Missouri @ (8) Florida: ZuckDoodle soils himself (majorly) last week and barely registers an AP wound.
What gives? RDouche "servicing" AP voters? 10 dollah sucky?  Mizzu the team the ZyphSore cut his teeth on. "W".
(15) Stanford @ Colorado. SkHank numbah 10. 5 dollah sucky-fucky. Cardinal cruises over prairie oysters.
TCU @ (23) West Virginia. SeaScrote, I'm hating. Where's the justice? Where's the dignity? SHIT.
(10) Clemson @ Duke. Duke does't lay down. Some Dabo-Wabo sauce will fix that. Rimmy! rock on.
(2) Oregon @ (18) USC. Hmmm. Awesome offensive juggernaut vs. Kiffin-crippled Barkley JockLickers.  Still, Trojans have Marquis Lee, or whatever his name is. Can the Troymen get their shit together for the signature win of the FartSniffinKiffin era? D Po says no.
Oklahoma State @ (3) Kansas State. Okie State's no pushover. Q lays down an extra blast of CosmicVaginyte Rays and sends them home cryin' in the tumbleweeds.
Michigan @ Minnesota. A tilt between nobodies with the Little Brown Jug at stake. Only McLovin' cares one tiny turd about this game. McLovin' and ... Chuck Norris.
Washington State University @ Utah. Loss, ChuckMeHard. Your season on life support nears an end.
Wisconsin, idle.. Thank GOD, ScoDunk.
Florida State U idle. Chipn'Sniff not paying attention? Don't believe it, Sinners.
Virginia Tech @ Miami (FL). ClemboSlice, is it too late? Never, Dude. Play old fashioned Beamer ball. Give the Hurricanes a mighty old Virginia thrashin'. You play in the ACC. It's never. Too. Late.
Eastern Michigan @ Ohio University. How the fuck did you lose to Miami of Ohio, BroFro? It was all right there, in the palm of your hand. Undefeated. BCS buster talk. Glory. And riches. Don't forget the riches.  Now, no-name games against the likes of Eastern Michigan. Pukazoid.

That's it. I'm gettin' my couch on.

Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life


  1. VT gets steam rolled by Canes...Uh, last night, numb nuts. Pay the fuck attention.

    1. Missed it, Manson. Was at the Section 3 all star game in Saquoit. Thanks for the heads up, DillBagger.

  2. ClemboSlice, you are fucking DONE. WTF? V Tech is never this bad.
