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Monday, November 26, 2012

No ream, no diddle.

No ream for McLovin', drops a point in the AP.
No love for TCU. We beat #15 Texas, in Austin, got nothin'.
Big weekends for skHank, Randouche.

Ryan Shazier, #10, Johnny Simon #54.

Go Bucks.


  1. I dodge the bullet of a potential hat trick ream after my 'rines can't find midfield the whole second half, and my Bro gets boned by the Almighty AP even with a big justice in the BRFL, but lots of fun.

  2. Welcome to Boneland. At least he didn't get Daboed.
    It could have been worse for me than 15 but after getting shafted for the past few weeks I've earned some goodwill.
