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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 2 BRFL Results - Woman on Top

(Metaphorical reference to Q-Spot being on top. Not actually her. I think.) 
Gratuitous side boob for recreational purposes only.

Current Standings Pts
Q-Spot 11
Randstain 8
Timmy! 7
Clemstain 7
Commish 7
Syph 6
SeaScrote 5
D.Po 4
SkHank 3
Brofro 2
Sock Puppy 1
McLovin -7
ScoReam -17

Summary? Summary:

Q-Spot's men of Manhattan open up a can on the thugs of South Beach. When the bitch slappin' is over, Q picks up 8 points. North Texas next. Cruise control.

Randvag inexplicably picks up 8 after Flo Rida squeaks out a win over Texas A& M. Shoulda been a loss. Can't stand seeing Randwang near the top of the leader board. He must fail. Next week Tennessee. There is hope. This is Flo Rida. He's pointing.

I can still taste Barb's pie and we already have ourselves a ream. ScoReam's Wisky Badgers go down on the Beavers and get ScoReam ass-pounded for -17. And the sloppy seconds from McLovin left him an itchy, red bumpily rash. Yeesh. Should've made an original pick. The Badger bitch was ridden hard and put away wet last season. They lose an NFL starting QB and you think its a great idea to pick them? Probably no teams left by the time you were on the clock. Wait. First pick? Wisconsin? The one with no QB?

Get yourself a payday loan, mofo. What the fuck is wrong with those Ryan boys?

This is Sock Puppet. Sock Puppet is sad.

I couldn't have been the only one who peed himself a little when I saw Utah lost to Utah State. Mormon on Mormon action.  These are Mormons:

So is she.

Nice pick, Sockdick.


  1. God hates Bret Bielema. Reameleema.

  2. Here's where it gets really hard to have a sense of humor, ScoBasement. That guy at the wedding? Who said Wisco was over rated? Do you want to push his face in right now, for being right? Oregon State is not a bad team. They might be one of the big surprises of the year. Cold comfort for you though, Mr. Minus Seventeen. To be honest, your situation is not unlike that fictitiuos situation in the Living Document. That was put in there to illustrate what a nuclear apocalypse scenario would look like for a BRFLer who picks a team that was ranked "right up there" but turned out to be a total piece of garbage. Scott, I'm worried about you. If you have thoughts of hurting yourself (or hurting others) I want you to call me. Seriously.

  3. Painful slow crawl from the basement begins for my 'rines, thanks for taking over my shift Scott...the Badgers like cold dark places like where I just was ( uhm, still am )... Let's you and me have a little Living Document review seminar to see what loopholes can get us back to positive point land and send others to the scary's a mammal eat mammal league.
    TSP, ( living my fantasy and pretending -7 is somehow "good" )

  4. ScoDiddle, how much does that hurt? Sympathy from McLovin'?! Let's not forget this is the same McTool who called you eight different flavors of scumbag for "stealing" his pick, the Wisconsin Badgers. "His" Wisconsin Badgers. Oh my GOD, you guys. I am vomiting here. I am having a damn SIEZURE.
    What a sad, sad, disgusting affair.

  5. I really did kinda miss my Badgers a little bit, until last Saturday...tsp
