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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 4 Preview, Bitches.

Hard to believe this is the author of the legendary BRFL theme song: "Stranglehold".
That was, alas, pre-kidney stone.
And before the fucked up hat.

Vagina @ TCU (17). Go Horny Toads.
Maryland @ West Virginia (8).  Damn you, SeaDouche. Anger.
Kentucky @ Florida (14). RandginaDischarge, the BRFL owes you money and shirts. Address?
(18) scUM @ Notre Dame (11). Fucking god damn it to hell I should have gone with the Catholics. I hate myself so much. Cutting behavior. Fuck you, World. Lose like a BITCH, McLovin.
(15) Kansas State @ Oklahoma (6). I want to have your baby, Q.
(10) Clemson @ Florida State (4). Clash of the ManWhores.
Utah @ Arizona State. So boring, SockSpooge. Long season. Festering boils have more appeal.
UTEP @ Wisconsin. I'd rather watch soccer, ScoLoser. Rectal itch. Chronic.
Ohio BobCunts @ Norfuck State. Sick of your team's lame schedule, PubeFace.
Bowling Green @ Virginia Twat. ClemboSlice, so disappointing. Blow out of Bowlers fools no one. Reality time, NetherHole. Doomation, Giggle-dink.
Arizona (22) @ Oregon (3). Non event, totally weak, DPoon with the world's most sedating pick.
Stanford idle. World in awe of skHank. Too bad he's so clueless. If a dog farts in the forest and there's no one there to smell it, does it still stink? I fucking KNOW so.

Hating on everyone.

Commissioner for Life


  1. When does the season start? For Pube-fro, we know the answer is never.But Jeebus, how watered down can the schedule get? And TCU loses their RB for the season. Implications.

    1. It's a blow but it's not like he's the offense. They are thin at running back, for sure, D Poon. I think they are down to a true freshman and a senior who wasn't expecting any touches. But mostly they throw the ball and play defense. When they hit the meat of their schedule this will hurt and I will lose money again this year.

  2. Dabo isn't a man whore. He's just friendly.

  3. You and Syph are the ManWhores to whom I was referring.

  4. I will sleep with the voters that don't downgrade Clemson too much despite giving up 35 in the 2nd half so maybe you have a point. But the real ManWhores are congregating today
    This may not be safe for work so click with care......

    GoGo DaBo!

  5. How in the name of HOLY FUCK is Oklahoma ranked over Clemson? What sickness festers in the minds of the voters. Fuckers.
    And USC? Not exactly rolling over a weak Cal team at home. Hollywood dickheads. Self centered assholes. I hate USC. Hate 'em. Dabo is very pissed off.

  6. Timmy!, I'm in awe of your unwholesome genius. Keep it going, Dudesicle. The BRFL is all about this sort of unhinged psychotic ranting. Take a bow.

  7. SockPuppet, are you feeling that Utah pick?
    Bankruptcy court. Hello.

  8. where the fuck are the updated results?

    1. Anger.

      I am beginning to sense the immense power i wield over you feeble serfs. You are my cat toys covered in spittle. My marionettes whom i manipulate at will then toss aside in my boredom. I will post results when i hear some useful banter from Scodouche.

    2. Don't toy with us too gleefully Big Boy....Jihad takes your ass down just like the Arab Spring....
