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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mulligan Mania Proposal

Desparate Times Need Desparate Actions...

I hereby make a proposal to the league to consider a MULLIGAN option for wayward BRFLers who suffer from severe regret with their pick.

For a suitable penalty fee ( set by league input ), a BRFLer could say goodbye to their poor decision in the draft and start fresh with a new team beginning with a zero point total.  The penalty fee would go into a pool to be additional money paid to the winner and runner up on a 70/30 split.

Banter? Disgust at my self-serving desparation? Vomit?

Ponder it People,


  1. Brilliant proposal, Mr. Fair - getting the BRFL league owners to agree to a suitable penalty fee should be Big Fun. I'll start the bidding at $20.

    1. Thanks for the support Clemanator, I'll bid against myself and up it to $25.
      The Steaming Pile

  2. All this could be avoided if the League would adopt my annual Payola Party Plea to go to an upfront fee of, say, $100. Huge payouts for the front runners; minimal damage for the reamed fuckers. But the Commish loves seeing his friends and families financially crumble and fade away each year. For that, I admire him so much. The steamer bean's proposal, not so much.

    What kind of total douchebag proposes saving his own ass at the expense of others? You will never be in my foxhole, McLovin.

    1. I, too, am a HUGE supporter of the pay-in-up-front concept, and have advocated for this in the past. Our compatriot Mind Freak would possibly still be with us had this alternative been adopted. It adds serious cash for the winners and limits financial fallout for all involved.
      Alas, The Commish is steadfast in his sadism, indicriminant as to whom his creation pummels in to submission....
      I raise the proposed penalty fee to $50. at this time.

  3. This is horse shit. Lets eveyone put on their big boy undies and play! If you want to change the format next year it's okey dokey with me, but this year leave it alone!

    S Graham

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would say $100 for a mulligan, and pay up front for pussies.


  6. In a word, No.
    I know you're suffering McLovin'. Suffering is good for the soul.
    This was a terrible idea, by the way. I like your work with GG.
    Some of your other ideas and "suggestions" make me think you are, perhaps, French.

  7. but the French comment is funny and very clever, Jimmie

  8. Just totally screwing with you folks ... Sean summed it up best with his "horse shit" comment....clearly true.
    Threw it out there on the off chance that enough of you would be moronic enough to fall for it and let me off easy.
    At least we bantered a more.
    By the way, my Vulvarines are not done yet,it's only Week 5, and I am still holding on to the probability that I finish mid-pack and come close to break even....tough part of my schedule is in the rear view mirror, BRFLers....can you say the same?
    To show my seasonal loyalty, I even ordered some Michigan gear this week to wear at the 2012/13 Jambo.
    But hey, if I continue to pork the pooch, I'll gladly hand over my coin to The Commish for wealth redistribution next Summer.
    Sweet Dreams, watch your backs,

  9. Thanks for clearing that up, McLovin'.
    Really. Thanks a bunch.
    Anyone notice that the Cardinal went down last night? McLovin', wasn't Washington on your short list? Double second thoughts, Bra?

    1. Washington wasn't, but Texas also was...I passed "second thoughts" weeks ago Bro, I am on to fifth and sixth thoughts by now....

  10. BRFLers,
    Want to take this opportunity to apologize to the league for all of my Mulliganistic rantings and crybaby desparation last week...
    Ashamed of Myself,
