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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 5 BRFL Results

Current Standings Pts
Q-Spot 24
Randstain 21
Syph 14
Commish 13
D.Po 12
SeaScrote 11
SkHank 10
Timmy! 7
Brofro 5
Sock Puppy 2
Clemstain -9
Snott -15
McLovin -19

The League, so far, is heavily weighted toward the losers. The bottom three all currently owing over $200 with Runny McAssburn chiming in with a $323 chit. Q continues her imperious reign over the XX chromosomes. SkHank takes a tumble as Stanford inexplicably drops one to Washington. Lots of teams won but looked weak. Sleepless nights ahead. Real season begins next week.


  1. Check your rearview mirrors, I'm coming back ...

  2. I woke up this morning and realized what I had done
    I stood alone in the cold gray dawn
    I knew I'd lost my morning sun
    I lost my head and I drafted the badgers
    No QB and offensive lineman who are faggers.
    I know I'm wrong and I couldn't see
    I let my world slip away from me

    1. Scott, is thatb from a Justin Bieber song, Dude?
      It's beautiful.

    2. Steamer, the pirated song is a '70s countrypolitan tune from the influential Charlie Rich, "The Most Beautiful Girl", circa 1973. Coincidentally, Charlie attended Arkansas State College on a football scholarship. Music quickly became the emphasis after an injury put an end to his gridiron days. Kinda makes you wonder how he would fit in with Gus Malzahn's brand of the spread, doesn't it. Also of interest, CR (like most brilliant and gifted people) had prematurely white hair. Sadly Chuck passed July 25, 1995 in Hammond La. Rest in peace, Chaz. TMBG is a damn fine song.

  3. This brought tears to my eyes. So touching. You are, truly, a beautiful soul. I want you on my wall. I need you on my wall.

  4. I mourn the loss of the spreadsheets. Hurts

    1. The spreadsheets are still around, Timmy!. They are just on a farm upstate where they have lots of room to run and play. They miss you, too, but are very, very happy chasing butterflies and playing in the creek.

    2. The spreadsheets are in witness relocation????

  5. Snott sings the songs that make the whole world sing.
