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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hate Thursday

Ryan Fucking Shazier.

Highlight, (make the line blue), Right click and select "go to..", Fuckimachimas.

HATE! Hating.

Hate-imus Michiganimus, fucker.

Post 1, Jim Otis going in for his fourth TD in a 54-something beatdown of scUM. Then the Bucks went for the two point conversion. Asked after the game why he went for two Woody Hayes replied, " Because they wouldn't let me go for three."

Post 2, Earl Bruce, fired that week as HC of the Bucks, sports the Fedora and Sunday Suit to the scUM-TOSU game and beats the Wolvagines in Ann Arbor.

Post 3, David Boston and Charles Woodson let their HATE boil over at the end of a Stanley Jackson scramble, 1997, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Commissioner for Life

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