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Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome to Hate Michigan Week, Bitchenhausen.

The most wonderful week of the year is here, Bitcheros!

Hate Michigan Week! Extra special this year since McLovin' done  hitched his little red retard wagon to scUM.

Isn't this fun? I'm certainly having fun.

Sure, TCU is in the douche-hamper and has been for months. My wallet is getting thinner by the week.

But TOSU, the MEN OF THE SCARLET AND GRAY are undefeated. Having just vanquished the second most hateful team in the Big Ten, the Wisconsin Vagers. In OT no less. Anybody see that game?

Anybody (besides me) throw up three or four times listening to Matt Millen and some other butthole say, "Montee Ball, going for the record, previously held by Alfred E. Neumann of Miami of Ohio, for most touchdowns in an NCAA career. Can he do it? There's Montee's Mom and her family of 38 in the stands. Jesus Christ is she one fat pig or what? God. Hard to believe a honed athlete like Montee issued from those hams, but, WTF, he's going for the record. Can he do  it? Without fumbling @ the goal line from another Ryan Fucking Shazier super sonic asshole inverting mega-hit?".

Guess not. Don't worry, fat Montee's mom. He'll still get to play for the Big Ten championship. Like that means anything this year.

Oh, wait. There's still the Michigan game. Whoa. Is Denard okay? Does he want to "eat" again this year?
Come to Columbus, Dentard. We have lots of nice things for you to eat there. Like Johnny Simon's foot, after you pull it out of your ass.

Have a nice night, Bras!

Best wishes,



  1. Little scarlet and gray chickens all counted up eh Commish-Boy? Better remember gotta be hatched first, remember your bio lessons....

  2. Tough call: Pull for the fair and noble men of A2 and watch the ever doucheier Urban's head explode or root for McBung's ream. If only Michigan was Clemson, then they could beat an undefeated team AND drop 5 spots.

    1. I may very well ream again this week, a TRIPLE, Wow !!! THAT would suck severely !!! McPainful
