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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 11 Preview, Bitchistanians.

And an extra hard, really hard, ass slap to each a you, Bitches. Slappity-slappity SLAP.

(8) Florida State @ Virginia Tech. ClemboSlice, Earth to ClemboSlice. This is your absolute last chance. Va Tech is tough in Blacksburg, on Thursday night, on ESPN. It's balls to the wall time, Clembo. Did I mention that? Plus, you're going against Chipn'Sniff. Do some damage, Clem.

Louisianna Lafayette @ (7) Florida. Randude cruises over Bayou 'tards. World suspects you suck, Rimdy.

(13) Oregon State @ (16) Stanford. Uh-oh, skHank. Beavs are settin' up to get busy chewing you a new asshole. Your butt's gonna' leave a skid mark 6 feet wide. We'd all love to see that. Rapture is what I describe.

Maryland @ (10) Clemson. Unless the Tigers get totally freaked out by Maryland's epic ugly unis this is an easy win for Rimmy!. Moves you one step closer to the biggest asshole I  know on planet earth, Rimbo.

(3) Kansas State @ TCU. Optimus Klein, aka Collin the Kansas Concussion Monkey, squares off against a bunch of beat to shit Toads held together by duct tape and crazy glue. I love me some college football!

Wisconsin @ Indiana. The annual contest for Sacagaweha's dildo. Who cares? Winner goes to the Big10 championship game, as ScoScreech points out. Shameful and pitiful and embarrassing, all at once..

Northwestern  @ Michigan. Notice the total lack of rankings when we talk about Big10 teams? Chicago-based eggheads vs ego-inflated Ann Arbor fancy lads. Dumb and Dumber.

Utah @ Washington. UW leading receiver suspended for drugs, alcohol and too much poon. Chuck, they could suspend the whole first team and Washington would still mop the floor with U. Roll, Huskies. Guess this means you'll be bitching about GG again this week? Sack up, Homes.

Oregon gets a bye as DPo fights bestiality charges in Otsego County Court. I agree with you, Drew. Calves are people. Just look into their eyes. You did NOTHING wrong.

West Virginia @ Oklahoma State. "Come after ME! I'm a MAN! I"m Forty! I'm goin' kick Seannie's ass all over Stillwater,Oklahoma!"

Bowling Green @ Ohio U. BroFro, BroFro. Miami of Ohio?! WTF, Homeskittle? So close. Fuck Frank Stollich. Hard. Go in dry, Brother.

Best regards,


  1. My enthusiasm at the prospect of crushing the Terps like a fully loaded big rig rolling over a little Suzie's tiny pet turtle is somewhat tempered by Dabo's recent setback in the bringing the smartest young men into his legendary program.

    Dabo needs time to reflect.

  2. Oregon plays Cal Stoners in what could be a trap game, or a blow out, or a win by a few scores, or a loss by a few scores. Either way, its not a week off. What do you do, make this shit up?

    You know, there is a season schedule posted on this here blog. One of the first entries posted. Don't use it? Burn in a globally warmed place, Mephisophicles.

    1. Playing Cal is the equivalent of a bye week.
      Good luck with the plea agreement.

    2. I know he's my brother, and there's family loyalty and all, but I have to say, posting about "Sacagaweha's dildo" may be the best so far this the outset of the BRFL season I never anticipated a Native American phallus reference...Pissing my pants !!! TSP
