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Sunday, November 4, 2012

BRFL Results- Week 10

SeaDouche gets the ream.

Current Standings Pts
Q-Spot 38
Randstain 32
D.Po 21
Timmy! 20
SkHank 19
Syph 16
Brofro 9
Sock Puppy 4
Commish 0
SeaScrote -8
Clemstain -8
McLovin -8
Snott -12

Top 3

 $371  $293  $150

Q-Spot Randstain D.Po

Next 3
 $137  $124  $85
Timmy! SkHank Syph  

Next Next 3

 $(6)  $(71)  $(123)
Brofro Sock Puppy Commish

Them Who Sucketh

 $(227)  $(227)  $(227)  $(279)
SeaScrote Clemstain McLovin Snott


  1. DaBo's coming after D.Po
    A Clenching grimace
    Sriracha squats bikini
    Retina burns agony

  2. Is this a record ream year yet ?
    I've contributed more than my share with my double Wolveream !!

    1. Dude, If I break in to the AP AGAIN, then lose a fourth game, I could very possibly pull off the hat trick, a TRIPLE ream !!! Unprecedented ???

  3. Ouch! Q is not going to take home as much as she thinks.

  4. Ouch! Q is not going to take home as much as she thinks.

  5. "Sriracha squats bikini"
    where's my fucking diddle
    AP Rat Bastard Cocks
    Rimmy! Man-Boy Love trousers

  6. This fucking league sucks hugeness.

  7. Apparently the Bielemic One and Gene Chizik attended the same coaching clinic this off season. In preparation for Indy the Badger head man is making his third qb change of the season. Once upon a time Curt Phillips, a redshirt senior, was a hotshot dual threat recruit from Tennessee and one of the more coveted high school quarterbacks in the country. Injuries and a visit from Russell Wilson kept him on the side line until this weekend.

    Still doubting the Big Ten is WEAK this year? Winner of this weekend's Badgers/Hooosiers contest plays for the Big Ten championship. No shit.

  8. Really? The BIG ten championship? That is sad. Iowa is the new Indiana. But Indiana is still pretty bad. Big Ten has fallen on hard times. Better get the win while you can, ScoReam. Buckeyes come to Camp Randall next weekend.

    1. Think I'll have a piece of that Big Ten Championship?
