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Sunday, November 18, 2012

BRFL Mother Fucking Week 12

I have underplayed my BRFL season. I need a hug. And a kiss on the mouth.

SkHank is one smart mother fucker. He acts like he doesn't know dick about the college game then pulls a pick like Stanford out of his boney ass. He scouted those mother fuckers like a man who means business. Saw they can tackle in the open field. Saw they got mother fucking 6' 6", 300 pound linemen who can sprint faster than a mother fucking sprinter. He also knows how to ruin my mother fucking season. Oh, he knows dick alright. He knows dick.

The AP voters don't know dick. Randvag beats Jacksonville State (Jacksonville State!) and gains 3 points; Clemson wins and drops, sure to bring about more 3rd person ranting from Dabo!

Q takes one for the team with Kansas State going down like a sorority girl drunk on some of my Purple Drank. Brofro's Ohio Bobcats fall. Again. Seems like only a few weeks ago McLovin' couldn't wait to unzip himself when lavishing praise on the Bobcats. Now McJizzinpants waits patiently for his McReam next week at the hands of the ultimate mother fucker, Urban Meyer.

Until then, fuck you, mother fucking mother fuckers.

Randstain 37
Q-Spot 36
SkHank 28
D.Po 20
Timmy! 20
Syph 17
Brofro 9
McLovin 5
Sock Puppy 4
Commish 0
Clemstain -7
SeaScrote -8
Snott -11


  1. Good to be back where I belong.

  2. DaBo has registered his displeasure in a previous comment and will refrain from debasing himself further. DaBo freely admits to ponderining a future stage career acting in a Belushi homage as "Samuri Coach" and taking the Hari-Kari option.

  3. skHank. Stanford. Don't let this douchebag fool you. He cares. Deeply. He studies. He tasted real money last year and he liked it. He wants to feed at the BRFL Fiesta trough. Got a call from him today (PISSED) thanking me for my inspirational texts (received while he was sleeping and I was doing full service commissioner work) and wondering why he didn't get a higher bump in the AP. Frankly, I'm wondering to. But I'm glad, of coures, cause I'm still and probably forever at ZERO. Douches.

  4. Screw You all and your fart-stain of a league. "Just something I wanted to do to 'bring friends together'". Right. Yeah, goodtimes. Bring'em together "and, maybe, foist a little finanicial ruin while promoting deep seated feelings of failure and inadequacy in innocent and naive people, who, up until now have had a reasonably pleasant and good life". Somehow I missed that part of the discussion. You suck the moose's, JL

    Nice deer

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You all can have your Shit-Stain of a league. "Just something I want to do to 'get friends together', Scott". Right. Yeah, and also maybe to "foist financial ruin upon individuals I have known who, up until now, have led relatively pleasant and secure lives while also creating in them deep seated feelings failure and incompetence." Guess I missed that part of the recruiting discussion.

    Suck moose member,JL.

    Nice Buck!

    1. Thank you. I think of Season Seven as something really special.
      Thank you very much.

    2. Stress cracks showing for the tird Ryan sad...the BRFL will do that to a man........McLovin'
