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Thursday, November 25, 2021

GG Week 12 Results

 Death to Shitigan

It's Hate Week. 

GG Week 12 Results.

And so it is, that we see the problem with betting the ranch.

Ohio State flattens Meechy State 56 - 7 in Columbus and it wasn't that close. Eat shit, Sparty.

UCLA victimizes USC in the Coliseum 62 - 33. A titanic cross-town bitch-slapping by the Bruins.

Utah skins Oregon 38 - 7 in Rice-Eccles Stadium. 
What to say about this game, other than the fact that it doomed my sweep and cost me a lot of money? Let's just say what those of us who watched this fiasco saw; 
Oregon is not a good team. Mario Cristobal is not a good coach. Oregon has an unlimited supply of fancy uniforms and, apparently, Utah has a puzzling, fancy set of unis, too. 
It took me most of the first quarter to figure out that the big orange and yellow splotch on the left side of their helmets was the muzzle blast of a big fucking cannon from the deck of the USS Seattle, a ship I previously did not know existed. 
Props to the Utes for designing an entire uniform around a battle-ship and somehow picking up some of that 'service academy' mojo in the process. 
This was kind of embarrassing, if you were an Oregon fan (which I was, for this one game). 
Sock, I know you feel my pain. Snottie, you called it and I didn't listen. I hate me.
Oregon. Mario Fucking Cristobal. Mario, 'oh, we're so physical' Cristobal. As his team gets pushed around by Utah and basically gives up on an-almost-no-time-remaining-in-the-half punt return for a TD.  Just, ya' know, fuck you, Mario. Again, the perils of the transfer portal show themselves as the RB that ran rough-shod through the Ducks was a transfer from wherever-the-fuck.

BroFro. SWEEP! 5 to go to 26. You count the Bro out at your own peril.
McLovin. 1 to go to 17. So sad, TurdFace.
Teebs. No entry. Distracted by Four Floors of Whores? God I hope so. Stay at 14, Loser.
DogTheBountyHunter. 1 to go to 15. You believed in TOSU so I call you 'Brother'. Your other picks, like those of McLovin, were ass. 
Snottie. SWEEP! 5 to go to 26 and the SnotMan is no longer fucking around. 
DPo. 2 to go to 25. Tripped up by dingle-hole Cristobal. Sorry, Bro.
SockPuppet. 2 to go to 19. The unkindest cut is that you OWN the Oregon ShitWagon.
Bo$uke. Bet 50% of his BRFL points. Minus 11 on the weekend. He got two out of three right which nets him exactly stoogatz. Had 22. Has 11.
Last. Fucking. Place.
Ronde'. All three picks were wrong. Somehow that's worse than what happened to me and happy I am that it happened to you, ass-munch. You stay at 19 and shut up about it.
CCS. 2 to go to 23. You are scraping the lower limits of respectability. I don't know whether to laugh or cry so I guess I'll just go to the bathroom, Fucker.
Bronita. SWEEP! You  may be a sick Bronie pervert but you're putting on quite a show in GG this year, ToolShed. 5 to go to 32 for the undisputed lead. 
QXXX. 2 to go to 15. I am no longer in a position to make fun of you. This makes me sad.
Lola. 2 to go to 26. Trusted Mario Douche Cristobal and paid the price. Read Scripture. Atone for your sins, Sinner.
Kitten. SWEEP! 5 to go to 23 and the Kitty continues to show he's got some game. Nice.

Onward into Hate Week.

Commi$$ioner for Life

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