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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Threat Level Remains 'High'

 Week 6 and Threat Level remains High after Shitagain guts Nebraska 45 - 7 in Memorial Stadium, Lincoln, Nebraska. 

"Was ist das?", with the Threat Level thing every week, you're asking yourselves. Because,  BRFLers, after two consecutive ass-kickings by That Team Up North, Meechy lives, rent-free, 24/7 in Commissioner Lance's head. And that's not just my problem. That's YOUR problem.

Bringing it all back home, sub-heading 'The Donovan Edwards Problem', the genius behind Threat Level (Johnny Ginter), makes an obscure reference to D. Edwards' potential "Wally Pipp moment". 
Lance Herbstrong had to hit up the Google on that one and it brought me here. Cosmic. Eerily weird. And the second time Mr. Gehrig has appeared in a BRFL post this season

People, we're not even half-way through the season yet. 

Lance Herbstrong
Commissioner for Life

Wally Pipp


  1. Here's your moment of universes colliding (believable if you subscribe to the multiverse theory): When the D. Po was a college lad at Michigan, a guy in his fraternity was named Wally Pipp III. Yes, grandson of that Wally Pipp. At Michigan. Now, did the commissioner know this when he referenced Wally Pipp in his weekly Michigan angst column? Probably not. But this here BRFLer is not one to doubt that the Jimbosuke is an omniscient deity. You can, but not D. Po. And be advised, your doubt has consequences. Major consequenses. Just sayin'.

  2. You two been hitting the pipe?

  3. When I post and, basically, I'm the motherfucker that posts all the time, I post in the shadow of DPonemus Maximus. This is a true thing that people just fucking need to deal with.

  4. DPo/Lance love fest? You guys disgust me.
