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Monday, October 3, 2016

GG Week 5 Results

Bon soir, Bronies.

Stanford 6, Wash U 44.  I whiffed on this one. So did a lot of you other dumb shits.

Wisconsin 7, Meechy 14. And Meechy missed three field goals. I was wrong on this one too. Most of you fucking assholes picked Meechy. Living with yourselves is your problem. Don't talk to me about it.

Louisville and what's-his-name 36, Clemson 42. Killer B, McLuvin' and me nailed this one. Feather my bung, Friends.

The Scorecard:

Bronie-bitch CCS: 12
Bronie-whore Po: 12
BronieHorny Fro: 12
BroDouche SeaGra: 10
KillerBronie: 9
KBronieMan/Woman: 9
McBronie: 9
Teebsbronie: 9
RandBronie: 8
SnotBronie: 7
SockBronie: 6
Jimbosuke: 4

Die, Bronie Scum.

Commissioner for Life


  1. The Commish wants us to tickle his A-hole because he picked ONE game?!
    Good God, imagine what he'd ask of us if he ever got 2 picks right on any given GG week?...

  2. it was a good pick. and tell CCS and DPo they only have 12 points

  3. Eat me, Pablo. You realize the football we discuss here ain't that candy-ass pussy shit the rest of the world calls futbol, right? You can keep your skim milk drinking no hands boring-ass kickball game, Poncho. The shit that goes down here would make your burro vacate its bowels in your dormotorio, hombre.

  4. Wait. Pablo. Like, you want the whole country to visit you personally? I'm not sure how I feel about that. Seriously, Pancho, that is going to inconvenience a shit load of Americans. Many of whom are assholes, true, but still. I'm not sure I want my whole country up my ass because I dragged them all to Argentina just to have coffee with Pablito. Although, you do have some serious beef cows down there on the Pampas, as I have alluded to before. And one thing Americans like is a good burger. But, just to be clear, the USA is one big ass motherfucker of a country so you are going to have to seriously get your grille on to burger every last one of my fellow Americans. Many of whom are jingoistic,bigoted, violent red neck Donald Trumpkins. You will hate them. Do you really want to waste good pampas-fed burger on this shit-brains?
    Think it over, Carlos.


    Commissioner for Life
