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Monday, October 17, 2016

BRFL Week 7 Results

BRFL Week 7 Results:

BroFro Ascendant and the Randilingus Implosion. All here, on the BRFL Network.

Colorado State Rams 23, Boise State 28. The Idaho Potatoes roll to #14 in the AP. 3 point weekend gives BroFro the lead with 25.

Louisville less than totally impressive as they pull off a win, 24-14 over Duke. Staying at #7. 2 point weekend for SeaSpooge. Total 23.

Wash U has a bye week. The magic of the No Drop Point boosts CCS to 20 as he stays at #5. Knockin' on the playoff's door.

Florida pummels Missouri 40-14 on homecoming weekend. KMan was there. Moves up 3 in the AP. It's a 5 point windfall weekend as the KMeister occupies #15 in the AP. BRFL total is 19.
I'm feeling a little sand-bagged by this fucker.

Meechy with a bye week. AP demotes Clemson so Teebs! has the No Drop and the "Move Up Without Doing Shit" both working for him. 2 points. Give him 17 BRFL points and #3 in the AP.

TOSU comes from behind to vanquish hated 'Sconie in Camp Randall. 30-23 in OT. 2 points move, Q-Queen, to 17 in the BRFL, Still #2 in the AP.

Randingle. What the hell has gotten into the Hurricanes? They drop their second game in row. This time to unranked North Carolina. It's REAM time for Randoo. Plus he burns 9 points on his crash dive from #16 to unranked. That's ugly. That's a negative 14 point swing and a suicide watch as Miami douches to NCarolina 20-13 and joins the ranks of the unranked. The BRFL is a cruel, cruel mistress. 8 BRFL points is your total.

McLuvin'. Perpetual self delusion. Still believing Dabo's Dildos are as good as they were last year. AP is not buying it. Clemson survives NCState 24-17 and the AP drops you to #4. The weekend is a wash. Naught in the point column. You have 6 BRFL points and you are on a slow boat to China. Repent, Sinner.

Alabama obliterates Tennessee 49-10 in Knoxville. Really, Sock? A home stand turns into this much of a blow out? Two words: Butch Jones. The buzzards are circling the Orange and White. Season from Hell unfolding. AP says "fuck you" and drops you 9 spots to #18. You have one BRFL point.

Let's get negative.
Florida State with a totally unimpressive "win" over unranked Wake Forest. How the FUCK the AP justifies moving you, Snottie, up to #13 is beyond me. You should be ashamed. This was a +3 weekend for you. I am gagging on bile as I write this. You have minus one BRFL

SkHank. Oregon had a bye. Your best week in a month and a half. Remember when you won the BRFL? Cling to that memory. You have a family. Let that sustain you. Because your measly negative 2 BRFL points won't.You can bank on that, Loser.

When I write the noun "Iowa" I feel physically ill, DPo. The Hawkeyes prevail over completely awful and utterly hopeless Purdue 49-35. You gave up 35 points to the Boilers. How do you live with yourself? Seriously. You are an unranked dill-hole. Minus 6.

TCU had the bye. Still in an unranked hell. West Virginia next week. Outlook not bright for Jimbosuke. Minus 13 is my address. Probably for a long time.

Sweet Hallelujah. Crazy Les Miles is out to pasture and damned if good ol' boy Ed Orgeron isn't turning the Tiger around. LSU 45, Southern Miss 10. Okay, it's Southern Miss. But still. DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE! LSU is ranked again, #25, Killer B rises from the ashes. 6 points on the weekend. Up and out of the basement at minus 15.

Brian Kelly is drinking all day and all night. Notre Dame goes down to Stanford (with their best player on the sidelines) 17-10. QB change. Unmitigated disaster. It all goes back to that narcotic/weapons bust in the preseason. Domers in Hell's 7th circle. Clem hemorrhaging cash.
Minus 17. No hope. Just absolutely no hope at all.

The Standings:

BroFro: 25
SeaGra: 23
CCS: 20 Liberace.
KBronieMan/Woman: 19
Teebs!: 17
Q; 17
Randoofer: 8
MsLuvin': 6
SockPuppet: 1
Snottie: -1
SkHank: -2
DPo; -6
'BoSuke: -13
Killer: -15
ClemboSlice: -17.

Best wishes,
Commissioner for Life


  1. It's the modern way. Harbs ensures the lads get some rest, drink their milk and they reap their just reward in the AP poll.
    We play a game of the future unstuck to the old fashioned urban Meyer esque primitive notions of building greatness.

  2. Your coach is an insane clown in khaki pants. When he thinks about the Urban Meyer Death Machine he either soils himself or eats a cheese and liverwurst sandwich. He's usually drunk as shit so it's the sandwich that gets the nod. I feel sorry for you. Placing your faith in a psychotic. Good luck in future years. Pray this douche-monkey goes back to the pros. Maybe as the Jets HC. That's about what he deserves.


  3. I sense fear in your irrational reaction my sage observation. Liverwurst, at its essence, is a roll of fois gras.
    Is this a hint of insecure Goodellean disease appearing in our most beloved
    Commish (Bless him, of course)?
    I'm sure Jimmy would gladly accept the Juggalo offspring of the insane clown posse that can punt, pass, tackle, run, block with good reaction times.
    Your clown fear is worrisome.
