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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

GG Week 8 Results

GG Week 8 Results.

Plenty o' sweeps on this one as there were few surprises.

DPo sweeps to the lead with 24. Didn't take the bait on the Ole Miss game.
BroFro sweeps to the #2 position. No slouch at 21.
CCS sweeps both nostrils with his index finger to sit tight at 21.
KCheese racks up one (Bama, tough pick) and has 20. Who's smelling whose arse now, Beavis?
SeaBiscuit logs a 5 pointer and jumps up to 18. La-de-dah, La-de-dah, Dah. Daaaah. Fucker.
Killer Bitch hammers the sweep. 5 points puts her right in the thick of it with 18. Nice.
McLuvNutz nabs 2. Arkansas? So douche. Still, with 14 you're not totally out of it. Yet.
Teebs! Takes in 2. Ole Miss does not win big games. Consider yourself schooled. 13 points.
Randilatio. 2 points. Dumb-ass Ole Miss pick thwarts your sweep. Flagellate yourself. 13.
Snotbooger. Takes 2. See above. 13, NetherHole.
SuckPuppet. 2. The state of Alabama was good to you. Climbing out of your hole. 11.
'BoSucky. Grabs 2. I think you hear me knockin', Bitches! 9. Train keep a rollin'.


Commissioner for Life

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