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Monday, October 31, 2016

BRFL Week 9 Results

Some major hurt for BroFro and SockPuppet.

Mechy 32 over MooU 23. 2 for Teebs and he racks up 22 total.

Washington with the season saving punt return. 31-24 over Utah. 2 for CCS, 25.

Louisville survives Virginia. Shouldn't have been this close as the Lville receivers had the dropsies early on. 32-25 Cardinals. 2 for Seannie to 29.

Safety turns out the lights on the Broncos. Boise bows to  the Wyoming Cowboys, 30-28. Not the kind of thing we see every day. Boise power dives minus 11 in the poll. BroFro singin' the blues at 17.

Florida chomps rudderless Georgia 24-10. KBronieBitch rocks 6 with the 4 point move up. Total 27.

Tennessee 21,  South Carolina 24. Ouch. What the fuck is going on in Knoxville? A drop of minus 7 from 18 and then the dreaded REAM, another minus 5 as the AP says bye-bye. That's minus 12 on a horrible weekend and the SockPuppet is in negative world with minus 10.

Clemson squeaks by Florida State 37-34. McLuvin's joy is Snottie's pain.
2 for McSlutsky for 10.
Snottie loses altitude, drops 7 spots to a total of minus 6.

Notre Dame 30, Miami 27.
Randingo's season continues to stink of shit. Naught on the weekend. 8 Total.
ClemboSlice gets a rare point for the ND win. He now has minus 16.

This week's loss for TCU comes at the hands of Texas Tech, a truly awful team that had previously not won a conference game. The Toads continue predictably terrible play on both sides of the ball. Jimbosuke with negative 13.

LSU bye week. 1 for the no drop and 4 for the AP move up. That's a hell of a bye week. 5  total brings the Killer Bee up to minus 2,

Iowa, bye. Suck. DPo. Minus 6.

SkHank a win over Arizona State. 54-35. Have the Ducks figured something out? Better late than never. Minus 1 for SkHancre,

The Standings:

SeaScum is King with 29
KBronieBitch with 27
CCSuck 25
Teebs! 22
SadBroFro 17
QWoman 15
MsLuvin' 10
Randingle 8
SkHank minus 1
KillerBitch -2
DPo -6
Snottie -6
SuckPocket -10
BoSuke -13 and honestly, it should be worse
ClamFace -16

Yours Sincerely,

Commissioiner for Life


  1. Don't know about the rest of you, but the way I do arithmetic, 20 plus 2 makes 22. Teebs had 20 points last week and earned 2 points this this week giving him 22 points not 25. Does anyone else in the league know how to do addition?

  2. Right you are, Anonymous AssFace. CCS is in third with 25, Teebs! in fourth with 22. It's about the Liberace, isn't it?

  3. BRFL points are irrelevant. I work, I get paid, I pay taxes. The remainder I send to Jimbosuke.

  4. Dpuke, it's all about BRFL pride, the pride that one feels when receiving the Liberace.

