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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

BRFL Week 5 Typical Bullshit

Really. Ask yourselves. Is the BRFL worth it?
Personally, I say no. Definitely not.
I wake up every morning, at 3 AM , feeling vaguely traumatised.
If I were younger, seriously, the French Foreign Legion? Looking good right now.
At worst I'd get cut down in a hail of bullets at some shit hole desert outpost.

But, let's talk scores:

Clemson 42- Louisville 36. McLuvin' takes the cheese. Seannie's ass is sucking canal water.

Miami 35- G Tech 21. Randilingus Rising.

Meechy 14- Wisco 7. Coach Khaki-pants ekes one out over the Badgers. Teebs multiple orgasm.

TOSU 58- Rutgers 0. Total. Domination. Q rides the Urban Meyer Death Machine. The Long Suffering Q Woman Revenge Tour rolls on.

Wash U 44- Stanford 6. Death by Juju to the Eggheads of Silicon Valley. Fuck you. CCS 4 hour erection.

Boise 21- Utah state 10. BroSkittle's diabolic plan is revealed. The Ponies spraying shit in the Mountain West. Neigh. Neigh.

Florida 13- Vandy 6. Gator Chomp on an incompetent rival. Nothing to get excited about here, KFluff.

Tennessee 34- Georgia 31. It was SockChump's birthday early. Hail Mary, full of grace. Pussy ass, cry baby post game emotional breakdown by your coach not appreciated.

Clemson 42- Louisville 36. See above.

Oregon 33- Washington State 51. SkHank, your team sucks so much. Incredibly enjoyable breaking the news to you at work. A shitty day got shittier. I hope.

Florida State 35- North Carolina 37. I have no words, ScoDouche. Except that Jimbo Fisher needs to punch and kick helmets harder if he wants to turn this shit around.

TCU 46- Oklahoma 52. Don't even fucking talk to me, you assholes. TCU is giving up something like 490 yards ON AVERAGE per game. They just suck. I'm going to hell. Resigned to that. Okay with it.

Iowa 31- Northwestern 38. Seriously? DPo? Iowa? Do you know how bad Northwestern is this year? Your life is over, as far as I am concerned.

Notre Dame 50- Syracuse 33. ClemboSlice, congrats. You found a program you could beat. This did not even remotely resemble american football. Your suckness is epic.

LSU 42- Missouri 7. Got a win, Killer B. Big deal. The post-Les Miles era begins with bird song, ends with banshee wailing. Mark my words.

Totals on the week/year, Fuckers:

Randong: 6/ 28. Even a busted watch is right twice a day, DouchMonger.
SeaScum: -4/ 20. How brief the glory, HolePicker.
CCS:7/ 17. Judgement Day is coming for you, Fellatio.
BroFro: 7/16. Smurfettes running the table? In your dreams, Self-Stimulator.
Teebs! 2/13. Burn in hell, Meechy Lover. Be damned.
Q: 2/ 13. Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
KMan: 7/ 13, A 5 point move up? Is Vandy that good or are you...a major douchebag?
McLoser: 4/ 4. I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore. Probably for the best.
SockPuppet: 4/ 9. Hard to express how much you nauseate me. Happy birthday, Dildo.
SkHank: 0/ -2. Difficult to feel sorry for you. In fact, just plain impossible.
DPo: 0/ -8. You lost to Northwestern. "Inadequate Penis" is your new name.
'BoSuke: -9/ -14. My life is a desolate plain of shit. Schadenfreude is my only pleasure. Kill me.
Snottie: -11/-15. Remember your smugness about the FSU pick? I do. I feel warm inside.
ClemboSlice: 1/ -17. Congratulations on your win over Syracuse, Total Failure In Life Guy.
Killer Bee: 1/ -21. You are like a tiny little troll living in a dark cave. We have all mostly forgotten about you.

Commissioner for Life

1 comment:

  1. Maybe Killer Bee should spend less time sprucing up the homestead and a bit more time focusing on footbaww. You know what first place for “Most Effective Overall Planting Which Enhances a Residential Property As Seen From the Street” gets you in this league? Jack shit. No points for you!
