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Sunday, November 25, 2018

GG Week 13 Results

At this time of year we think about the fans less fortunate than us. Here we see some stalwart Illinois undergrads mocking Lovey Smith's odd beard decision. For me, the Asian guy in the middle is the most effective. Imagine what it's like to suffer through a season like they have, and then find out your University is retaining the same coach. Pain is relative. Onward...

GG Week 13 results:

BroYoFro: Smell the Sweep, Bitches. 5 plus 26 equals 31 and we have a new leader in the clubhouse. Triumph smells good, doesn't it, Bra?
KBrosuckle: Well, you picked the Boise game right. 1 to go to 30, Mr. HasBeen.
Jimbosuke, Blessings and Good Tidings be upon Him: I Sweep you Fuckers and laugh all the way to the fucking BANK. Put your faith in Jim Harbaugh. Go ahead, Douchenozzles. 5 plus 25 equals 30 equals Deez Nutz.
CCS: Got the Oklahoma game right. Otherwise; douche. 1 to go to 28.
RandiBitch; 2 right but you shit your mandiaper on the TOSU game. Feel the wrath, Sinful Scum. 2 to go to 28.
SeannieG: 2 right. Missed opportunity to be somebody. 26.
Bridgshit: 2 to go to 26. Meh.
DThong; 2 to go to 26.
SockPuppet: Nailed the Boise game, Special Ed. 1 to go to 23.
McSuckin: 2 to go to 22. The Faithful are rewarded. So let it be written. So let it be done.

Commissioner for Life

1 comment:

  1. ...any TTUN picks should have a 5 point penalty levied

    just sayin'...
