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Monday, November 19, 2018

GG Week 12 "Results"

GG Week 12 Results:

Bitches, we have a problem.

GG Obsessives (looking at you, CCS) already know what it is.
Forest fires. S'right. In California. These damn fires are a tragedy. Why? What do you mean, "why", SockPuppet? Like, how insensitive are you?
Because, of course, the wild fires totally fucked up my GG program for the weekend. The Stanford @ Cal game got POSTPONED because of the smoke. Hello!? Don't the players always run through fake smoke when they come out of the tunnel anyway? What, exactly, is the big deal?

Anyway. Stanford and Cal wussed out and postponed their game until December 2nd. Comically, this is after the conference championships (and the much anticipated Conference Championships Haiku Hate Contest).
So, since 5 potential sweeps hang in the balance of the Stanford-Cal game, we here at BRFL World Headquarters cannot, in good conscience, put out results this week.
I have a record of all the picks. (Rest easy, McSuckin, you got at least one right.) So, after December 2nd, I'll put out Week 12 results.

GG marches on with the same scores as we had at the end of Week 11.

Incidentally, prior years have seen a major clusterfuck during bowl season with GGers unable to keep up with the rapid fire way-too-many bowl games and the sometimes multi-day three game batches. This leads to no-entrys, major swings in the lead and resentment. Since we have such a close contest this year who would be okay with eliminating some of the stupider bowl games played by teams we know nothing about and focusing on the more established bowls?

Your Commissioner needs to hear from you. All the bowls? Some of the bowls? What?

Commissioner for Life.


  1. How's about either some of the bowls or post all at once?

  2. As for last week's GG, how about give 3 for the 2 game sweep, one for getting one right, and forget about that west coast bullshit. Nobody cares about the west coast anyway.

  3. This is why the Commissioner is Commissioner For LIFE, solid decision making, I say good deal waiting until the West Coast Pansies actually play (Although I do agree with DPo's take below that nobody really cares about the West Coast anyway. The whole place is just a tinderbox fault line holding the Pacific Ocean back from flooding Vegas)
    I like the same scores as last week because I don't fall even further behind!
    As far as the Bowls go, I think I began the multi-bowl madness years ago, and for that I apologize to my fellow BRFLers. I vote to go with just the super cool and neato bowl games, less time around the holidays picking teams, more time throwing back Jack and Cokes.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and yours!

  4. Keep it the same, I thrive in the chaos and you fucksticks can all burn in hell
