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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

BRFL Week 13 Results

BRFL Week 13 Results;

Randi: UCF 38 Cincinnati 13. Some said upset. Reality said blow out. Knights in the Final Four? Harder to say no. AP likes it, +3. One for the win, 1 for the no drop. 5 pointer. Randi on top with 34.

Timmy the Bold: Meechy struggles a bit with the Hoosiers. 31 - 21, the final, the Maize and Blue discovering a deep affection for the field goal. Karen Higdon guarantees a win over the Bucks. Pride goeth before a fall, Karen. Teebs with a 2 point weekend, 30 total and losing ground to Randi.

McLovin; Alabama crushes The Citadel, 50 - 17. Is that something to be proud of? Is winning more fun when everyone hates you? Ask McLovin. 18 total points for the Douche.

CCS: Duke (who sucks) 6, Clemson 35. One could apply the McLovin Theorem to CCS. Is it fun crushing inferior squab opponents week in and week out or does it feel like, well, molestation? Not for me to say. CCS niggles his way to 17. I feel compelled to point out that Dabo Sweeney is such an asshole.

YoBro; The Ohio State University 52, Maryland 51, in OT. Emblematic of what, at any other school, would have been called a "rebuilding year". There is so much "suck" in Ohio State's greatness that it fairly boggles the mind. Fuck Michigan. BroFro shit on again by the AP. 1 for the win, minus one for the drop, equals naught on the weekend. Hold your head high, my Buckeye brother. You have thirteen.

It's Kitten Time again. Boise St ass-whips New Mexico 45-14. The Broncos seem to be getting stronger. Alarming. AP notices. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 2 for the  move up, it's a 4 point weekend and the Kitty sits at 13 total on the season. Turning it around, Bitch.

SockPuppet: Mississippi State, a confusing team, 52, Arkansas 6. A complete evisceration of the Pigs at home. Two Razorback players suspended for fraternising with the MSU cheerleaders. Well....okay. AP says, Bueno, Bulldogs, and it's a three point move up, plus the win and no drop, 5 point hummer and the Puppet is suddenly at 9. What the fuck is going on with this world we live in?

QTheWoman: Oregon slides by Arizona State, 31 - 29. Less than totally impressive. But it's a win. The Q keeps chopping wood. Rises to 8 total.

Snottie: South Carolina rolls Chatanooga 49 -9 at home. Really, Scott? Chatanooga? Living with yourself is your problem. 1 for the win and you rise to 6 total. Whatever it takes, right, Scumbag?

DPo: Jesus H Christ. Arizona absolutely gang-tooled by Wash St. 69 - 28. Ugh. I am close to invoking the dreaded moniker, "Season of Shame" to describe your endless suffering. Needless to say, zero on the weekend. Stay at 5. Do you have any weapons at home? Are they locked away and secure? Just asking.

Bridgshit: Wash U 43 - 35 over the Oregon State Beavs. AP one spot bump. Three point weekend. The KillerBee rises to 4 and firmly in positive territory. Apple Cup this weekend. You're either going to get  a nice bump or crash and burn like a cheap Indonesian passenger jet.


And then there was the wailing, the darkness and the damned.

Jimbosuke; Holy fucking Toledo. FSU  drops a ranked team, okay, it was Boston College, but still! Florida State 22, BC 21. Where's the love, AP Assholes?! 1 measly point. But I vault to minus 6 to lead ALL basement dwellers. In your FACE, Fuckers!

SkHank; The Pussyism is so deeply entrenched. Even the Omnipotent One (me) can do nothing about it. Half-ass game between Stanford and Cal postponed. I feel ill. Deep disappointment and not a little rage. Stay at minus 7 then, Tool.

SeannieG; What if the Titanic was actually like the movie "The Poseiden Adventure", 1972 version, only WORSE?! That's how you would feel if you were Seannie or anyone remotely associated with Sparty. A baseball score embarrassing loss to lowly Nebraska, 9 -6. At least it was on the road. I feel your pain. Just fire everyone except Dino and start over. Minus ten is your lot.

KBitch; Jonathan Taylor emerges from his coma and runs rough-shod over hated Purdue. 321 yards to pull off the Wisco win in triple overtime.  With all that, all those heroics, you get one goddamn point. Occupy last place with minus 18.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to The Omnipotent One and All of my fellow BRFLers!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Commish!!!
    Hope the rest of you had a happy bird too
