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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

BRFL Week 13 Results

BRFL Week 13 Results;

Randi; UCF dumps South Florida 38 - 10. AP moves you up one. Plus 2 makes it a 3 point weekend. You have 37. You are opening up an impressive lead and you have conference Championship Game against Boise this weekend. You are making shit happen. You are not particularly popular.

Run, Dwayne, run.

Timmy the Bold; Ohio State 62 - scUM 39. Definitely not your day, Teeblations. The AP takes it kind of easy on you, I thought. Dropped 4 in the poll. 26 total.

McLovin; Bama with an ass-whipping on the Plainsmen in the Iron Bowl, 52 - 21. Auburn coaches feeling the heat. 1 and 1 weekend again. You have broken into the next level: 20 total. Nobody likes you.

CCS: 56-35 clobbering of South Carolina. Was it ever close? Did anybody watch this game? Dabo still an incredible douchebag. You get 2 this weekend and step up to 19.

Shaun Wade kills men.

BroFro; Speed kills. The Men of the Scarlet and Gray 62, Meechy 39. The AP notices. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 4 for the move up and it's a 6 pointer on the weekend. You, too, have 19.

Kitten: Boise State snuffs Utah State 33 -24 to take their share of the conference. On to the conference champs game. Kitten Train rolls on. Plus 2 on the move up. 4 on the weekend. Total 17.

SockPuppet:  Egg Bowl brawl. Guess that's why they call it Rivalry Week. Mississippi State 35, Ole Miss 3 and shit happens. Like a plus 2 move up from the AP and a 4 point weekend for the PuppetMaster. 13 Total.

Bridgenfraulein; Miles Gaskin runs rough-shod in the snow and Washington shuts down Wazzu 28 - 15 to steal the Moustache's cheese and advance to the conference championship. Does the AP notice? Hell yeah. 6 point bump on the move up, 2 more, record 8 point weekend and you are at 12 for the season, KillerBee, with a chance for more cake on the table.

QTheWoman: Oregon punches Oregon State's ticket and it's beaver for dinner, 55 - 15 in Corvallis. Good for a point. Moves you up to a respectable 9 on the season. Never say die.

A man with no editor. 
 Snottie: South Carolina crushed by Clemson 56 - 35. You'll miss those Muschamp moments next year. Naught on the weekend for you. Stay at 6.

DPo; For the Love of God. Arizona State 41, Arizona 40. What the fuck happened with Arizona? They had a Heisman hopeful QB! Rich Rod is a competent coach. Why did they suck? Not ashamed to say they were on my draft list. But, whoa, what a disaster. How you have managed to hold on to 5 points total is a mystery to me.


Peek into the abyss, Brothers and Sisters;

Jimbosuke; Another week, another beat down. Florida 41, Florida State 14. Nobody gave a shit about this game because they knew that Florida was going to slaughter the Seminoles. Take it from me; Florida State is not a good pick. I'll take my zero on the weekend and rest on my laurels at minus 6.

SkHank; No WAY, you fucker. Stanford 49, UCLA 42. I thought they fired Chip Kelly. They should. UCLA sucks. But SkHank gets a point and moves up to, God this is gross, match my minus 6.

SeanniG; Sucking is one thing, SeaGra, but almost losing to RUTGERS? At HOME? A new low. MooU 13, Buttgers 10. Congratulations. One point to move to minus 9. Again though, Meechy State was on my pre-draft short list. What went wrong?

Fucking KBron; Christ Almighty, SpecialK. You can't even get your act together for Paul Bunyan's Axe?! Are you shitting me? Hello? This was a home game? Minnesota 37, Wisconsin 15. Seems almost like you should lose points for this. But you don't. Rest easy, Amigo. You still have minus 18. Catastrophe.

Commissioner for Life

Conference Championships Haiku Hate Contest

Conference Championships,
Haiku Hate Contest 2018.

And now what we've all been waiting for.
Haiku Hate. Three lines. 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.
Limit three entries per BRFLer.
Final entry date, December 7.
Let's get hatin'.

I'll get us started;

Satan and Dildo,
Ben Dor'n & Phil McCrackin.
Smells like bad nut sack

by Jimbosuke

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

GG Week 14 Games

GG Week 14 Games:

Conference Championships;

#17 Utah v #16 Washington Huskies
Friday night, 8 PM, Fox

#14 Texas v #6 Oklahoma
Saturday, Noon, ABC

#1 Alabama v #5 Georgia
Saturday, 4 PM, CBS

Roll them bones,

Commissioner for Life

Sunday, November 25, 2018

GG Week 13 Results

At this time of year we think about the fans less fortunate than us. Here we see some stalwart Illinois undergrads mocking Lovey Smith's odd beard decision. For me, the Asian guy in the middle is the most effective. Imagine what it's like to suffer through a season like they have, and then find out your University is retaining the same coach. Pain is relative. Onward...

GG Week 13 results:

BroYoFro: Smell the Sweep, Bitches. 5 plus 26 equals 31 and we have a new leader in the clubhouse. Triumph smells good, doesn't it, Bra?
KBrosuckle: Well, you picked the Boise game right. 1 to go to 30, Mr. HasBeen.
Jimbosuke, Blessings and Good Tidings be upon Him: I Sweep you Fuckers and laugh all the way to the fucking BANK. Put your faith in Jim Harbaugh. Go ahead, Douchenozzles. 5 plus 25 equals 30 equals Deez Nutz.
CCS: Got the Oklahoma game right. Otherwise; douche. 1 to go to 28.
RandiBitch; 2 right but you shit your mandiaper on the TOSU game. Feel the wrath, Sinful Scum. 2 to go to 28.
SeannieG: 2 right. Missed opportunity to be somebody. 26.
Bridgshit: 2 to go to 26. Meh.
DThong; 2 to go to 26.
SockPuppet: Nailed the Boise game, Special Ed. 1 to go to 23.
McSuckin: 2 to go to 22. The Faithful are rewarded. So let it be written. So let it be done.

Commissioner for Life

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

BRFL Week 13 Results

BRFL Week 13 Results;

Randi: UCF 38 Cincinnati 13. Some said upset. Reality said blow out. Knights in the Final Four? Harder to say no. AP likes it, +3. One for the win, 1 for the no drop. 5 pointer. Randi on top with 34.

Timmy the Bold: Meechy struggles a bit with the Hoosiers. 31 - 21, the final, the Maize and Blue discovering a deep affection for the field goal. Karen Higdon guarantees a win over the Bucks. Pride goeth before a fall, Karen. Teebs with a 2 point weekend, 30 total and losing ground to Randi.

McLovin; Alabama crushes The Citadel, 50 - 17. Is that something to be proud of? Is winning more fun when everyone hates you? Ask McLovin. 18 total points for the Douche.

CCS: Duke (who sucks) 6, Clemson 35. One could apply the McLovin Theorem to CCS. Is it fun crushing inferior squab opponents week in and week out or does it feel like, well, molestation? Not for me to say. CCS niggles his way to 17. I feel compelled to point out that Dabo Sweeney is such an asshole.

YoBro; The Ohio State University 52, Maryland 51, in OT. Emblematic of what, at any other school, would have been called a "rebuilding year". There is so much "suck" in Ohio State's greatness that it fairly boggles the mind. Fuck Michigan. BroFro shit on again by the AP. 1 for the win, minus one for the drop, equals naught on the weekend. Hold your head high, my Buckeye brother. You have thirteen.

It's Kitten Time again. Boise St ass-whips New Mexico 45-14. The Broncos seem to be getting stronger. Alarming. AP notices. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 2 for the  move up, it's a 4 point weekend and the Kitty sits at 13 total on the season. Turning it around, Bitch.

SockPuppet: Mississippi State, a confusing team, 52, Arkansas 6. A complete evisceration of the Pigs at home. Two Razorback players suspended for fraternising with the MSU cheerleaders. Well....okay. AP says, Bueno, Bulldogs, and it's a three point move up, plus the win and no drop, 5 point hummer and the Puppet is suddenly at 9. What the fuck is going on with this world we live in?

QTheWoman: Oregon slides by Arizona State, 31 - 29. Less than totally impressive. But it's a win. The Q keeps chopping wood. Rises to 8 total.

Snottie: South Carolina rolls Chatanooga 49 -9 at home. Really, Scott? Chatanooga? Living with yourself is your problem. 1 for the win and you rise to 6 total. Whatever it takes, right, Scumbag?

DPo: Jesus H Christ. Arizona absolutely gang-tooled by Wash St. 69 - 28. Ugh. I am close to invoking the dreaded moniker, "Season of Shame" to describe your endless suffering. Needless to say, zero on the weekend. Stay at 5. Do you have any weapons at home? Are they locked away and secure? Just asking.

Bridgshit: Wash U 43 - 35 over the Oregon State Beavs. AP one spot bump. Three point weekend. The KillerBee rises to 4 and firmly in positive territory. Apple Cup this weekend. You're either going to get  a nice bump or crash and burn like a cheap Indonesian passenger jet.


And then there was the wailing, the darkness and the damned.

Jimbosuke; Holy fucking Toledo. FSU  drops a ranked team, okay, it was Boston College, but still! Florida State 22, BC 21. Where's the love, AP Assholes?! 1 measly point. But I vault to minus 6 to lead ALL basement dwellers. In your FACE, Fuckers!

SkHank; The Pussyism is so deeply entrenched. Even the Omnipotent One (me) can do nothing about it. Half-ass game between Stanford and Cal postponed. I feel ill. Deep disappointment and not a little rage. Stay at minus 7 then, Tool.

SeannieG; What if the Titanic was actually like the movie "The Poseiden Adventure", 1972 version, only WORSE?! That's how you would feel if you were Seannie or anyone remotely associated with Sparty. A baseball score embarrassing loss to lowly Nebraska, 9 -6. At least it was on the road. I feel your pain. Just fire everyone except Dino and start over. Minus ten is your lot.

KBitch; Jonathan Taylor emerges from his coma and runs rough-shod over hated Purdue. 321 yards to pull off the Wisco win in triple overtime.  With all that, all those heroics, you get one goddamn point. Occupy last place with minus 18.

Commissioner for Life

Michigan Hate Week, Wednesday

Michigan Hate Week, Wednesday;

Monday, November 19, 2018

Michigan Hate Week: Monday

Death to Michigan.

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 13 Games

GG Week 13 Games:

"Some dare call it a conspiracy"
An Evil Wolverine Conspiracy.

(#6) Oklahoma @ (#12) West Virginia U.
Friday, 8 PM, ESPN

(#4) Michigan @ (#10) The Ohio State University
Death or Glory, Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
Saturday, Noon, FOX

(#14) Utah State @ (#21) Boise State
Is it Kitten Time?
Saturday, 10:15, ESPN

Roll the bones, Brothers and Sisters,

Commissioner for Life

Hate Week

harbaugh prepare anusk.jpg

GG Week 12 "Results"

GG Week 12 Results:

Bitches, we have a problem.

GG Obsessives (looking at you, CCS) already know what it is.
Forest fires. S'right. In California. These damn fires are a tragedy. Why? What do you mean, "why", SockPuppet? Like, how insensitive are you?
Because, of course, the wild fires totally fucked up my GG program for the weekend. The Stanford @ Cal game got POSTPONED because of the smoke. Hello!? Don't the players always run through fake smoke when they come out of the tunnel anyway? What, exactly, is the big deal?

Anyway. Stanford and Cal wussed out and postponed their game until December 2nd. Comically, this is after the conference championships (and the much anticipated Conference Championships Haiku Hate Contest).
So, since 5 potential sweeps hang in the balance of the Stanford-Cal game, we here at BRFL World Headquarters cannot, in good conscience, put out results this week.
I have a record of all the picks. (Rest easy, McSuckin, you got at least one right.) So, after December 2nd, I'll put out Week 12 results.

GG marches on with the same scores as we had at the end of Week 11.

Incidentally, prior years have seen a major clusterfuck during bowl season with GGers unable to keep up with the rapid fire way-too-many bowl games and the sometimes multi-day three game batches. This leads to no-entrys, major swings in the lead and resentment. Since we have such a close contest this year who would be okay with eliminating some of the stupider bowl games played by teams we know nothing about and focusing on the more established bowls?

Your Commissioner needs to hear from you. All the bowls? Some of the bowls? What?

Commissioner for Life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

BRFL Week 11 Results

BRFL Week 11 Results;

Where's the respect?

Randi; Navy at UCF. Knights put the wood to the Midshipmen, 35-24. Perfect season rolls on. No AP love. 2 point weekend. Total 29.

Timmy the Bold; Ho-hum hosing of Rutgers on the road. Michigan 42, Scarlet Knights 7. Milk flows in the streets of Ann Arbor. Teebs picks up 2 points. Total 28. Michigan threat level remains at 'severe'.

McLovin; Alabama lets the gas out of the Mississippi State bag in old Tuscaloosa town. Was there ever a team more hated? 24 - 0, the final. Total 16 points for the Evil One.

CCS; Clesmon at Boston College and it's not even close. 27 - 7 the score of this weeks ACC ritual sacrifice. CCS up to 15 total.

Is that Dwayne Haskins picking up yards after contact?
Of course there was a flag (illegal hands to the face on Ohio State)

BroYo; Ohio State handles Meechy State in East Lansing 26 - 6. Thumbs down from the AP who actually drop the Bucks one place. A game filled with fucked-upness. Meechy St. playing, basically, without a quarterback. Intentional snaps out of the end zone for a safety. Douchebag trick plays. And the usual ocean liner of penalties. BroFro with naught on the weekend and 13 on the season.

It's Kitten Time; I didn't give the fucking Broncos a chance in hell of winning this game. God damn it if they don't down Fresno State, 24 -17. Eat shit, coach Jeff Tedford. You sucked at Cal and you suck at Fresno. Get the hell out of California! Kitten picks up a win, lands in the AP at 23 for 2 more and then, hold on to your pussy, DIDDLE!DIDDLE!DIDDLE! for 5 more. 8 point weekend. Total 9.

Q; Boring in under punches. Drizzly rank poop rains down upon her, shit stains speckle her bodice. Her hair is caked with dung. Oregon goes on the road vs Utah and gets dumped 32 - 25. The dream is dying. Q whittled down to 7 total.

Snottie; Florida bests South Carolina 35 - 31. Are there Florida players still around from the Madman Muschamp era who could relish this ass-drilling in South Carolina? Hope so. A zero weekend for you. You have 5 total.

DPo; Wildcats with the Bye. Same as playing. Zero weekend. You still have 5.

SockPuppet; The lights go on. The lights go off. Lights on. Lights off. Bama lays the shutout on you and the AP takes a dim view. Minus 7 is your drop this week. You're in positive territory still with 4 total.

BridgturdFerguson; The Huskies take the day off. They do that a lot, but this week was a Bye. One of the best weekends they've had this entire season, quite frankly, as the AP says, "Ehhh, what the fuck, move them up 3 spots." Plus you get your no drop. 4 point weekend. Out of the darkness and into the light of positive territory. You now have 1.


And thus into the netherworld of Negative Territory.

Jimbosuke; Florida Sate waxed in South Bend by the Golden Domers 42 to 13. How they managed to score 13 will forever remain a mystery. This is a Seminole team lost in the wasteland with no hope of redemption and The Commissioner for Life is lucky to have minus 7. This was an amazing asshole pick.

SkHank; And this is the unkindest cut of all; to be lumped in with this bastard. Stanford pulls one out of their collective ass and trounces Oregon State 48 - 17 in Palo Alto. It should be noted that the Oregon State Beavers are 2 and 8 and the absolute garbage of a garbage conference. Still, SkHank claws to minus 7.

SeannieG; A QB who should probably have had shoulder surgery a month ago. Another QB named Rocky with a pseudo-mullet. A bell-cow RB who is probably going to be redshirted. A 'punter controversy" between the third and fourth string punters. An offense so horribly putrid that they intentionally give up safeties because it's better than a blocked punt recovered for a TD. And then lose a fumble in the end zone for a TD anyway. This is Sparta. Ohio State 26, Meechy State 6. Seannie suffers his weekly AP whip-saw treatment, minus one for the trip out and then the REAM! minus 5 more. Minus 6 on the weekend. Stands at minus 10 total.

KBronieManWoman; Suck upon suck upon suck some more. In Happy Valley, once proud Wisconsin pushed around by Pennis State 22 - 10. Are the Badgers even bowl eligible? Is Paul Chryst a dead man walking? This is the classic Worst Case BRFL Scenario. So wrong it feels right. Stay at minus 19 for the zero  weekend.

Commissioner for Life

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

GG Week 12 Games

I was thinking we haven't had a dumb-shit David Hasselhoff video yet this year.
Here you go,
GG Week 12 Games:

Iowa State (#16) @ Texas (Longhorns) (#15).
Is there anyone who doesn't hate whiny bitch Tom Herman by now?
3:30 ESPN

Cincinnati (#24) @ UCF (#11)

Stanford @ Cal
7:30 PM, PAC12.
Tune in just to watch SkHank lose.

Roll the bones, My Friends.

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 11 Results

GG Week 11 Results;

Boise State edges Fresno State on the Smurf Turf, 24 - 17. Kitten roars.
Ohio State drops Moo U in East Lansing in less than convincing fashion, 26 - 6.
Northwestern tops Iowa in Kinnick Stadium 13 - 10. The fighting Fitzgeralds are for real.

KBron, misplaced faith in Iowa nets him 2 to go to 29.
CCS, Faith in the Men of the Scarlet and Gray rewarded. Everybody else, it's a douche. 1 to go to 27.
Randi, fucked by Fresno, 2 to go to 26. Anybody keeping score except Chip and I? Randi's score is the subject of some disagreement.
BroFroFro, pegs the Bucks every one else humps him like a dog, 1 to go to 26.
'BoSuke, Ohio State comes through. Massive disrespect from all other Fuckers. 1 to go to 25.
SeannieG, Totally blows it. 3 strikes. Zero. 24.
Bridgshit, loves the Bucks, they love her. Hated by the rest of the slate. 1 to go to 24.
DPong, even a Michigan Man shows love to the Scarlet and Gray. Screwed otherwise. 1 to go to 24.
SockPuppet, foiled by fucking Fresno. Owned the BiG. 2 to go to 22.
McSuckin, not surprisingly shit on, by everyone but the Bucks. 1 to go to 20.

Commissioner for Life

Kitten uber alles

Monday, November 5, 2018

GG Week 11 Games

GG week 11 Games:

#23 Fresno State Bulldogs @ Boise State Broncos
Friday, 10:15, ESPN2

#10 Ohio State @ #24  Meechy State
Fuck East Lansing!
Noon, Fucking Fox

Northwestern @ #16 Iowa
Upset in Kinnick Stadium? Jesus, God, I hope so. Kirp Ferench, eat it.
3:30, Fucking Fox.

Roll those bones, Amigos.

Commissioner for Life

BRFL Week 10 Results

BRFL Week 10 Results.

Randi. A nail-biter for the Black Knights. 52 - 40 over Temple. I saw part of this game. So did the AP. They fuck you out of 2 points on the move down. Net one point weekend. 27 total. Still hold the lead.
Timmy the Bold. The Wolverines are having them a year. Merciless 42 -7 pummelling in the Big House. Abject misery for James Franklin. AP moves you up one. 3 point weekend. 26 total.

McLovin. Supposed to be a big game. 29 - 0, Alabama with the shutout of LSU in Tuscaloosa. 2 more points and you're up to 14 on the season.
CCS. Clemson makes it personal with Louisville. 77 - 16 the final. Bobby Petrino wishes he'd never heard of a Harley Davidson. Or that he was dead. 2 points for CCS moves you to 13 on the season.

Dwayne Haskins in the TOSU running game.

BroFro. Ohio State commits the usual dozen penalties and looks semi-retarded in a "win" over lostin-the-ozone Nebraska, 36 - 31 at home. At least they ran the ball. But what the fuck? This is coming off a bye week and it doesn't look like they fixed a whole lot. 2 point weekend and you're up to 13.
SockPuppet. 45 - 3 pasting of Louisiana Tech at home. Gettin' noticed by the AP on a weekly basis. This time it's a 3 point move up and a 5 point weekend to land you at 11.
QTheWoman. Oregon is not dead yet. Bounce back with a 42 - 21 dumping of UCLA. Sadly that only gives you one point for a total of 7. Better than the last few weeks. Give praise to the Commissioner  for Life and your luck may continue.
Snottie. 48 - 44 South Carolina steals one from Ole Miss at home. You pick up a point. Move up to 5 total.
DPo. Arizona over Colorado on the road, 42 -34. Remember when it looked like Colorado was good? What the hell happened?  Or maybe...Arizona is now good? Whatever. You pick up a point and you have 5.

Kitten. Boise bests BYU at home, 21 -16 and you get a much needed point. You have 1 total. Staying above the red line.


Bridgshit. Lawdamighty! Playing at home Washington pulls out a 27 - 23 win over Stanford. I have no idea why the AP thought this was a big deal. But they did. 1 for the win. 5 more for landing at #20. And then the DIDDLE!DIDDLE!DIDDLE! adds 5 more. Eleven point weekend. You now stand at minus 3. And here I thought you were deader than a smelt.

SeannieG. What the hell is your problem? Ream one week, diddle the next. 24 - 3 on the road against hapless Maryland and somehow the AP attaches some significance to this. 1 for the win, 1 for landing at #24 and 5 more for the DIDDLE!DIDDLE!DIDDLE! 7 point bonanza. You're at minus 4, DoucheMaster.

Jimbosuke. Florida State on the road @ North Carolina State. Of course they get killed, 47 - 28. Zero on the weekend and this suck-ass state of affairs grinds on with the Commissioner at -7.
SkHank. 23 -27  loss on the road vs. Washington U. No more chances at redemption. Hell and damnation are your fate. Minus 8. So sucky.
KBro. Wisconsin lays the wood to lowly Rutgers at home. 31 -17 and that's the kind of shit win your team celebrates this season. God awful. Moves you up to minus 19. MINUS 19.What a nightmare.

Commissioner for Life.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

GG Week 10 Results

Tom Herman not very popular in Austin these days.

GGWeek 10 Results;

The difference this week was one point in the WVU @ Texas game.

WVU 42 @ Texas 41.
Alabama 29 vs LSU 0.
Michigan 42 vs Penn State 7

KBron, 2 plus 25 to go to 27.
CCS. SWEEP, 5 plus 21 to go to 26.
BroFroYo, 2 plus 23 to go to 25.
Randi, 2 plus 22 to go to 24.
'BoSuke, 2 plus 22 to go to 24.
SeannieGSWEEP, 5 plus 19 to go to 24
Bridgturd, SWEEP, 5 plus 18 to go to 23.
DPorn, SWEEP, 5 plus 18 to go to 23.
SockPuke, 2 plus 18 to go to 20.
McSuckin, 2 plus 17 to go to 19.

Commissioner for Life

Saturday, November 3, 2018

BRFL Week 9 Results

It's REAM time in BRFL World.

BRFL Week 9 Results.

Randi; UCF with the BYE week. No drop and the AP grants a move up. Total 28. Top dawg.

Timmy the Bold; Meechy with the BYE week but we have to show this gif with the Maize and Blue runnngback porpoising in from the left after Meechy dispatches PSU. Nice. no drop. 23 total.
Fucking McLovin; Bama with the BYE week. The bye comes, by no coincidence, the week before they finally play someone who might give them a game. 1 for the no drop. Hands in Liberace's pantaloons. McLovin has 12 points.
CCS; Clemson with the 59 - 10 dismemberment of Jimbosuke's Seminoles. Remember when this used to be a huge game in the ACC? I don't either. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 11 total.

"I am getting the fuck out of here"
BroFro; TOSU with the BYE. The good news: 1 for the no drop and the AP mysteriously moves you up 3. 4 point weekend. Total 11. The bad news; efforts to reverse engineer another Nick Bosa out of a tuba player and some titanium parts in a basement lab off High Street failed miserably. And Urban Meyer has a big cyst pushing on his brain.
QTheWoman; Playing at home, a 15 - 44 annihilation by lowly Arizona. The losses are piling up. Disaster upon disaster. The AP notices. Minus 6 on the power dive down the Poll then the dreaded REAM as you are spit out into the dark, freezing void of outer space. Minus 11 on the weekend. 6 total on the season.
SockPuppet; Mississippi State U 28 - 16 over TAMU. Still scrappin'. Huge weekend. One for the win, lands at 21, that's 4 and it's DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE for a ten point weekend and positive 6 on the season. Boom
DPo; Arizona clubs Oregon like a baby seal. Details above. Where the hell did this come from? The Wildcats looked like worl.d beaters. And all for one measly BRFL point. Total 4.
Snottie; 27-24 over Tennessee. Had to feel good. SowCow turning it around? A little late wouldn't you say? Terrible pick. You get one for the win. Total 4.

Kitten; 48 - 38, Boise State over Air Force. You get one for the win and that pulls you over the Red Line and up to zero on the season. Give thanks for the small things, Sinner.


Jimbosuke. 59 -10 total program collapse. Willie Taggart era my ass. So screwed. Minus 7.
SkHank. Stanford edged 41 - 38 by red  hot Wash State. Drops one to the bottom then flops over into the abyss and takes the REAM, minus 5 more. Minus 8 on the season. 

SeannieG; Meechy State easily handles Purdue, 23-13. What does this say about TOSU's little trip to East Lansing in two weeks? Dino es en diablo! SeannieG climbs to minus 11.
Bridgturd. Wow. Washington is sucking big time. 10 - 12 loss on the road to Cal. Cal? After this season, UW is officially radioactive. The AP sure thinks so. Flying off a bridge minus 10 points to the bottom of the poll and then the REAM as the body hits the water, minus 5 more. Minus 14 on the weekend, minus 14 on the season. Bridget in PTSD counseling program. 
KBron; Wisconsin douches out on the road v Northwestern, 17 -31. You're so far down in Shitsville it really shouldn't have had much of an impact. But it did. Did it ever.You're dead. Minus 5 on the power plunge to the bottom of the AP and then hello, REAM, minus 5 more, and you are standing at a once unthinkable...
Minus 20.
Commissioner for Life