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Monday, October 31, 2016
BRFL Week 9 Results
Some major hurt for BroFro and SockPuppet.
Mechy 32 over MooU 23. 2 for Teebs and he racks up 22 total.
Washington with the season saving punt return. 31-24 over Utah. 2 for CCS, 25.
Louisville survives Virginia. Shouldn't have been this close as the Lville receivers had the dropsies early on. 32-25 Cardinals. 2 for Seannie to 29.
Safety turns out the lights on the Broncos. Boise bows to the Wyoming Cowboys, 30-28. Not the kind of thing we see every day. Boise power dives minus 11 in the poll. BroFro singin' the blues at 17.
Florida chomps rudderless Georgia 24-10. KBronieBitch rocks 6 with the 4 point move up. Total 27.
Tennessee 21, South Carolina 24. Ouch. What the fuck is going on in Knoxville? A drop of minus 7 from 18 and then the dreaded REAM, another minus 5 as the AP says bye-bye. That's minus 12 on a horrible weekend and the SockPuppet is in negative world with minus 10.
Clemson squeaks by Florida State 37-34. McLuvin's joy is Snottie's pain.
2 for McSlutsky for 10.
Snottie loses altitude, drops 7 spots to a total of minus 6.
Notre Dame 30, Miami 27.
Randingo's season continues to stink of shit. Naught on the weekend. 8 Total.
ClemboSlice gets a rare point for the ND win. He now has minus 16.
This week's loss for TCU comes at the hands of Texas Tech, a truly awful team that had previously not won a conference game. The Toads continue predictably terrible play on both sides of the ball. Jimbosuke with negative 13.
LSU bye week. 1 for the no drop and 4 for the AP move up. That's a hell of a bye week. 5 total brings the Killer Bee up to minus 2,
Iowa, bye. Suck. DPo. Minus 6.
SkHank a win over Arizona State. 54-35. Have the Ducks figured something out? Better late than never. Minus 1 for SkHancre,
The Standings:
SeaScum is King with 29
KBronieBitch with 27
CCSuck 25
Teebs! 22
SadBroFro 17
QWoman 15
MsLuvin' 10
Randingle 8
SkHank minus 1
KillerBitch -2
DPo -6
Snottie -6
SuckPocket -10
BoSuke -13 and honestly, it should be worse
ClamFace -16
Yours Sincerely,
Commissioiner for Life
GG week 9 Results
Hard to believe but there was only one sweep and that went to McLuvin'. Nice pull.
DPo picks up 2, still in the lead with 26.
BroFro nabs 2 to go to 23
CCS scores 2 to go to 23
KBronie has 2 to 22
KillerBee gets 2 to 20
SeaScums 2 to 20
McLuvin' bursts from 14 to 19 with the sweep
Teebs 2 to 15
Snottie 2 to 15
Randilingus 2 to 15
SuckPuppet 2 to 13
And, of course, 'BoSucky, 1, bringing up the ass with 10. Double figures!
I hate you all,
Commissioner for Life
Thursday, October 27, 2016
GG Week 9
GG week 9, and aspiring gurus everywhere dream of Fats Stacks o' Cash:
Nebraska (#7) @ Wisconsin (#11). Blackshirts vs. Badgers in the BiG.
Clemson (3) @ Florida State (12). DaboDweeb vs. Tomahawk Chop Assholes.
Miami U (UNR) @ Notre Dame (UNR). Dumb and Dumber.
Roll the bones, BRFLers.
PS: There's no Little Brother game on this slate but that won't stop me from taking a gratuitous shot at your current BRFL head man, Kirk Ferentz, DPo.
Commissioner for Life
Don't forget the Little Brother matchup:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
GG Week 8 Results
GG Week 8 Results.
Plenty o' sweeps on this one as there were few surprises.
DPo sweeps to the lead with 24. Didn't take the bait on the Ole Miss game.
BroFro sweeps to the #2 position. No slouch at 21.
CCS sweeps both nostrils with his index finger to sit tight at 21.
KCheese racks up one (Bama, tough pick) and has 20. Who's smelling whose arse now, Beavis?
SeaBiscuit logs a 5 pointer and jumps up to 18. La-de-dah, La-de-dah, Dah. Daaaah. Fucker.
Killer Bitch hammers the sweep. 5 points puts her right in the thick of it with 18. Nice.
McLuvNutz nabs 2. Arkansas? So douche. Still, with 14 you're not totally out of it. Yet.
Teebs! Takes in 2. Ole Miss does not win big games. Consider yourself schooled. 13 points.
Randilatio. 2 points. Dumb-ass Ole Miss pick thwarts your sweep. Flagellate yourself. 13.
Snotbooger. Takes 2. See above. 13, NetherHole.
SuckPuppet. 2. The state of Alabama was good to you. Climbing out of your hole. 11.
'BoSucky. Grabs 2. I think you hear me knockin', Bitches! 9. Train keep a rollin'.
Commissioner for Life
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Heismaniac 2.2 - Rectal Play

Your most hated BRFL contest is upon us. You have about 2 weeks to get your shit together and post your ballot in the blogosphere. Below are the rules of the contest, but lets face it, you won't read them anyway. So pay attention to # 6 and #7. That last one is new; we needed some sort of tie breaker because last year got too close due to overall incompetence among the lot of you.
Your shit is due November 8. I will post an entry a day or two before where you can enter your picks in the comments section. Questions? Fuck off.
Ballots Due November 8
Read the rules below, especially #6. Not sure why I bother mentioning it since you jackwagons are going to fuck it up anyway. Pick 3 dudes, 3 positions, 3 conferences. Your conference pick does not need to match your player's conference, you dig? Example: We are all picking Lamar Jackson as #1, but I'm hedging my bet and saying First Place: Jackson, RB, Big 10. See what I did there? Yeah, blew your minds. Jackson is NOT in the B1G but just in case he doesn't win, I picked a different conference and maybe I pick up some points for doing that. Maybe not. I can do the same thing with the position. It's called strategery, you dopes.
Your Heismaniac 2.2: The Desolation Ballot Form:
20 pts
| ||
| ||
#1. Pick the Conference the Heisman winner, runner up and third place dude come from.
Points: Picking the conference spot correctly gets you 5 points for third place, double points for second, triple points for first.
Example: I picked the Heisman winner comes from the B1G conference. If
he does, I get 15 points (5 for getting the conference and triple points for first place= 15 points).
Say I wiff on the first and second place finishers but the 3rd place winner is from
the SEC (even if it isn't Fournette). I get 5 pts x1 (for third place).
#2 Pick the Position of the winner/finalists
Same dillio. Maybe you only get the QB in 2nd place. 20 points.
#3 Pick the Playa. Get the winner right, 60 points!
#4. Most points wins. You can get player wrong and still get points for the position
or conference.
#5. Assuming 10 participants, payout is $60, $30, $10.
#6. As with all BRFL functions, an overriding concern is when you douches get "cute". We need to prevent your attempts at block voting, i.e. filling your ballot with all the same guy, same position
and same conference. Each "player" spot must be a different name; no conference can appear more than twice on your ballot and no more than two of the same positions can appear on your ballot.
#7. As a BONUS, give me a list of 7 dudes that are getting named on ballots. Put them in order and I will start randomly awarding points - small points but valuable nonetheless since this may be a tie breaker. I decided it will be 2 points for every guy you get right who ends up in the top 7. Then 3 points for every guy you get in the right place.) Or it may be a backdoor way of me winning the whole thing. You will never know. That's the game of it.
Monday, October 24, 2016
BRFL Week 8 Results
Some major shit went down this weekend.
BroFro and the Smurf-Turfers escaped with a 28-27 "win" over BYU. Mormonism vs. Idaho Nazi SkinHeads. Tough to want anyone to win this one. The Bro snags three points and steps to the head of the class with 28. #13 in the AP.
Louisville pounds the ever living shit out of North Carolina State, 54-13. 2 point move up the AP to #5 makes it a 4 point weekend for SeaDawg. 27 points. What ever happened to Heismaniac, DDouche?
CCS logs 4 points as the Huskies move up to #4 after a 41-17 drubbing of the Oregon State Beavers. Chipster logs 23 BRFL points. He also has a serious boner for the Liberace.
KGenderConfusion had the bye. Gators move up one anyway so it's two on the weekend for Komronette, #14 in the AP and 21 points in the BRFL.
Teebs! is sitting on arguably the best team in college football. scUM swats away the hapless Illini 41-8 and I have no idea how they got 8. The #1 defense in the country. #2 in the AP. 20 points in the BRFL. This is what rapture feels like, Timmy.
Q. I feel your pain. TOSU's O-line takes the night off. So, too, do most of their special teams units. Penn State 24, TOSU 21. PENN FUCKING STATE!? I failed to put up my usual weeks's worth of Joe Paterno hate. I'm sorry, Q. I blame myself. Still, #6 in the AP. 13 BRFL points, losing 4 on the drop from #2 to #6. Square this shit away, Urban.
Randilingus continues to drill down to the depths of despair as Miami is humbled by Virginia Tech 37-16. Mark Richt is just not working out for the 'Canes. Unranked and dead as a smelt. 8 BRFL points.
McLuvin'. Clemson. Dabo Douche. Bye week. AP moves you up one. Fuck you. 2 point weekend. 8 BRFL points. You are ranked #3 in the AP but I have no idea why.
SuckPuppet. Tennessee with the bye. There is a merciful God. Let's not pretend that your team is doing anything but going down the tubes.You are #18 in the AP, solely on the merits of playing in the SEC. You have 2 points in BRFL world. They won't last.
Snottie. FSU has a bye. As if anyone were paying attention to what FSU "has" or, more significantly, doesn't have. Your team is a flimsy fake Indian on a horse made of paper thin shit. The AP has you at #12, because the AP is really, really stupid. You have one BRFL point.
Now, let's go negative.
SkHank. Why does your team suck so very much? Oregon 49, Cal 52 in double OT. Remember when Oregon used to win games like this? Probably you don't because you are so incredibly clueless. You're unranked. You have minus 2 BRFL points. Is this your fourth straight loss?
DPo. The unpardonable sin of picking Iowa dogs you like a starving hyena. Iowa 9, Wisconsin 17. How was this game this close? Did the entire Wisconsin squad develop tertiary syphillis overnight? Iowa sucks. You are unranked and hanging out at, oh, negative 6. No end in sight for your shittiness.
Killer Bee. Redemption song. Leonard Fournette is not ready to lay down. LSU blisters Ole Miss 38-21. Chad Kelly eyes a career flipping burgers. There is a light on in Baton Rouge. Ed Orgeron, your new Messiah. LSU jumps 6 in the AP to #19, you haul in an 8 point weekend and stand tall at -7.
Train keep a rollin'.
'BoSucky. West Virginia rolls the Frogs 34-10 in Morgantown. There is little to hope for. Smothered by what passes for defense in Morgantown and another 30+ gashing of a non-existent Texas Christian "defense". This would be funny if it were happening to someone else. A horrible lesson in how to make a bad BRFL pick. TCU unranked, which goes without saying, but, at negative 13, on pace to pay out an epic sum in losses come this August.
ClemboSlice. The purple-faced madman, Brian Kelly, gets a bye and, unbelievably, a contract extension of sorts. Only Catholics could exist in such a world of senseless denial and I can say that because I'm Catholic. Notre Dame unranked, as they should be. Burrowing into the muddy bottom of the BRFL pond at minus 17, much like a catfish.
BroFro 28
SeaScum 27
CCS 23
KFluffer 21
Teebs! 19
Q Woman 13
Randingle 8
MsLuvin' 8
SuckLongTime 2
Snout +1
Chancre -2
DPussy -6
Killer B -7
JimboSucky -13
ClamFace -17
Yours sincerely,
Commissioner for Life
Monday, October 17, 2016
GG Week 8
GG Week 8:
Texas A&M (#6) @ Alabama (#1): Let's see what you've got, Satan.
Arkansas (17) @ Auburn (21): Pigs v. Plainsmen.
Ole Miss (23) @ LSU (25): Both teams running out of chances.
Every week it's a little more real.
Commissioner for Life.
GG Week 7 Results.
GG Week 7 Results:
Arkansas over Ole Miss.
TOSU over Wisco in OT.
Bama crushes the Vols.
It's tied at the top:
KMan with the sweep. 5 points gives him 19.
DPo grabs two, 19.
BroFro snags 2 for 16.
CCS rocks 2 to 16.
SeaScum hauls in 2 to 13
Killer Bee pulls 2 to 13.
McLuvin adds to make 12
RanDouche with 2 to 11
Snottie puts up 2 to 11.
Teebs! banks 2 to 11.
SockPuppet gets the TOSU game right. One. 9.
'BoSuke continues to bring up the ass with 2 to go to 7.
Commissioner for Life
BRFL Week 7 Results
BRFL Week 7 Results:
BroFro Ascendant and the Randilingus Implosion. All here, on the BRFL Network.
Colorado State Rams 23, Boise State 28. The Idaho Potatoes roll to #14 in the AP. 3 point weekend gives BroFro the lead with 25.
Louisville less than totally impressive as they pull off a win, 24-14 over Duke. Staying at #7. 2 point weekend for SeaSpooge. Total 23.
Wash U has a bye week. The magic of the No Drop Point boosts CCS to 20 as he stays at #5. Knockin' on the playoff's door.
Florida pummels Missouri 40-14 on homecoming weekend. KMan was there. Moves up 3 in the AP. It's a 5 point windfall weekend as the KMeister occupies #15 in the AP. BRFL total is 19.
I'm feeling a little sand-bagged by this fucker.
Meechy with a bye week. AP demotes Clemson so Teebs! has the No Drop and the "Move Up Without Doing Shit" both working for him. 2 points. Give him 17 BRFL points and #3 in the AP.
TOSU comes from behind to vanquish hated 'Sconie in Camp Randall. 30-23 in OT. 2 points move, Q-Queen, to 17 in the BRFL, Still #2 in the AP.
Randingle. What the hell has gotten into the Hurricanes? They drop their second game in row. This time to unranked North Carolina. It's REAM time for Randoo. Plus he burns 9 points on his crash dive from #16 to unranked. That's ugly. That's a negative 14 point swing and a suicide watch as Miami douches to NCarolina 20-13 and joins the ranks of the unranked. The BRFL is a cruel, cruel mistress. 8 BRFL points is your total.
McLuvin'. Perpetual self delusion. Still believing Dabo's Dildos are as good as they were last year. AP is not buying it. Clemson survives NCState 24-17 and the AP drops you to #4. The weekend is a wash. Naught in the point column. You have 6 BRFL points and you are on a slow boat to China. Repent, Sinner.
Alabama obliterates Tennessee 49-10 in Knoxville. Really, Sock? A home stand turns into this much of a blow out? Two words: Butch Jones. The buzzards are circling the Orange and White. Season from Hell unfolding. AP says "fuck you" and drops you 9 spots to #18. You have one BRFL point.
Let's get negative.
Florida State with a totally unimpressive "win" over unranked Wake Forest. How the FUCK the AP justifies moving you, Snottie, up to #13 is beyond me. You should be ashamed. This was a +3 weekend for you. I am gagging on bile as I write this. You have minus one BRFL
SkHank. Oregon had a bye. Your best week in a month and a half. Remember when you won the BRFL? Cling to that memory. You have a family. Let that sustain you. Because your measly negative 2 BRFL points won't.You can bank on that, Loser.
When I write the noun "Iowa" I feel physically ill, DPo. The Hawkeyes prevail over completely awful and utterly hopeless Purdue 49-35. You gave up 35 points to the Boilers. How do you live with yourself? Seriously. You are an unranked dill-hole. Minus 6.
TCU had the bye. Still in an unranked hell. West Virginia next week. Outlook not bright for Jimbosuke. Minus 13 is my address. Probably for a long time.
Sweet Hallelujah. Crazy Les Miles is out to pasture and damned if good ol' boy Ed Orgeron isn't turning the Tiger around. LSU 45, Southern Miss 10. Okay, it's Southern Miss. But still. DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE! LSU is ranked again, #25, Killer B rises from the ashes. 6 points on the weekend. Up and out of the basement at minus 15.
Brian Kelly is drinking all day and all night. Notre Dame goes down to Stanford (with their best player on the sidelines) 17-10. QB change. Unmitigated disaster. It all goes back to that narcotic/weapons bust in the preseason. Domers in Hell's 7th circle. Clem hemorrhaging cash.
Minus 17. No hope. Just absolutely no hope at all.
The Standings:
BroFro: 25
SeaGra: 23
CCS: 20 Liberace.
KBronieMan/Woman: 19
Teebs!: 17
Q; 17
Randoofer: 8
MsLuvin': 6
SockPuppet: 1
Snottie: -1
SkHank: -2
DPo; -6
'BoSuke: -13
Killer: -15
ClemboSlice: -17.
Best wishes,
Commissioner for Life
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
GG Week 7
This one's for you, McLaren.
GG Week 7:
THE Ohio State University (#2) on the road at Camp Randall Stadium v. Wisconsin (#8).
This is it, Q. If you can win in Madison, WI you can start seriously thinking playoffs.
You looked kind of shitty against Indiana, BTW.
8 PM Saturday night.
Drive, drive on down that field,
Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
Ole Miss (8) @ Arkansas Razorbacks (23)
Fucking Alabama (1) @ Tennessee (9)
Go Vols.
Roll the bones.

I'm feeling it this weekend. Time for a Jimbosuke Sweep.
Commissioner for Life
Monday, October 10, 2016
BRFL Week 6: Hurricane Matthew Week
Week 6 and the AP finally puts something out there:
A week of relatively light-weight carnage in the BRFL.
McLuvin's Clemson Tigers sink Boston College 56-10. Ass. Beat.
BroFro and the Smurf-Turfers down New Mexico U 49-21.
Q's Urban Meyer Death Machine dispatches Indiana 38-17. He ain't pretty, he's my Brother.
Meechy totally destroys Rutgers 78-0. Backstory: Coach Khaki pants is an asshole's asshole. Common knowledge. Why did he hang 78 on Rutgers? Because Chris Ash, the former co-defensive coordinator at THE Ohio University tea-bagged coach Khaki-gina in The Game last year and made him look like Prison Pussy.
CCS: Wash U dumps the SkHankster's Oregon Ducks 70-21. Are you feeling it, Chip'n'dale?
SockFuckIt goes down in double OT to Texas A&M. Doomed by a blocked extra PAT. Suicide totally understandable. Won't think less of you. AP even takes mercy on you and doesn't drop you in a hole. In fact you got one point (no drop) on a weekend when you lost a big game.
FSU and the ScoDouche downs Randufus' Miami Hurricanes 20-19. FSU refuses to lay down. Death spiral in Miami?
Iowa 14, Maryland 7. You picked Iowa, D-tard. I can't trust you ever again.
TCU 24 over Kansas 23. Kansas. I have a shit life. I think about suicide every day. Just trying to figure out how to make it "work" for me during tax season.
ClemboSlice. Really. Is it time to give up? Notre Dame 3 - North Carolina State 10 in a blinding rain storm. You cannot win for losing. Do you have a gas oven? Will your head fit inside it?
I think that's about it. Check out below, AssSniffers:
A tie at the top between two towering Rimmers:
Randilingus: 22
BroBronie: 22
SeaSleazy: 21
CCSucks: 19
Teebs!: 15
K BroniMan/Woman; 14
Sock Pocket: 10
MsLuvin': 6
SkHank: minus 2
SnottieBooger: -4
DPo: -7
Jimbosuke (God's Blessings Be Upon Him): -13
ClemboSlice: -17
Killer Bee: -21
Just keeping it...real.
Commissioner for Life
GG Week 6 Results
GG Week 6 Results:
Two sweeps: KMan and DPo.
New Leader:
DPo: 17
BroFro: 14
KMan: 14
CCS: 14
SeaScum: 11
Killer B: 11
Teebs!: 11
McLuvin': 10
Randoo: 9
Snottie; 9
SockPullIt: 8
Jimbosuke: 5. GG Week 6 and Jimbosuke has a 17.85 batting average. Impressive.
new AP Poll on hold so far since Texas and LSU didn't play.
Commissioner for Life.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
GG Week 6
GG Week 6:
All Saturday games:
U of Tennessee (#9) @ Texas A&M (#8)
Florida State U (#23) @ Miami U (#10)
Texas Longhorns (UNR) @ Oklahoma Sooners (#20) Red River Rivalry.
Roll the bones.
Commissioner for Life
BRFL Week 5 Typical Bullshit
Really. Ask yourselves. Is the BRFL worth it?
Personally, I say no. Definitely not.
I wake up every morning, at 3 AM , feeling vaguely traumatised.
If I were younger, seriously, the French Foreign Legion? Looking good right now.
At worst I'd get cut down in a hail of bullets at some shit hole desert outpost.
But, let's talk scores:
Clemson 42- Louisville 36. McLuvin' takes the cheese. Seannie's ass is sucking canal water.
Miami 35- G Tech 21. Randilingus Rising.
Meechy 14- Wisco 7. Coach Khaki-pants ekes one out over the Badgers. Teebs multiple orgasm.
TOSU 58- Rutgers 0. Total. Domination. Q rides the Urban Meyer Death Machine. The Long Suffering Q Woman Revenge Tour rolls on.
Wash U 44- Stanford 6. Death by Juju to the Eggheads of Silicon Valley. Fuck you. CCS 4 hour erection.
Boise 21- Utah state 10. BroSkittle's diabolic plan is revealed. The Ponies spraying shit in the Mountain West. Neigh. Neigh.
Florida 13- Vandy 6. Gator Chomp on an incompetent rival. Nothing to get excited about here, KFluff.
Tennessee 34- Georgia 31. It was SockChump's birthday early. Hail Mary, full of grace. Pussy ass, cry baby post game emotional breakdown by your coach not appreciated.
Clemson 42- Louisville 36. See above.
Oregon 33- Washington State 51. SkHank, your team sucks so much. Incredibly enjoyable breaking the news to you at work. A shitty day got shittier. I hope.
Florida State 35- North Carolina 37. I have no words, ScoDouche. Except that Jimbo Fisher needs to punch and kick helmets harder if he wants to turn this shit around.
TCU 46- Oklahoma 52. Don't even fucking talk to me, you assholes. TCU is giving up something like 490 yards ON AVERAGE per game. They just suck. I'm going to hell. Resigned to that. Okay with it.
Iowa 31- Northwestern 38. Seriously? DPo? Iowa? Do you know how bad Northwestern is this year? Your life is over, as far as I am concerned.
Notre Dame 50- Syracuse 33. ClemboSlice, congrats. You found a program you could beat. This did not even remotely resemble american football. Your suckness is epic.
LSU 42- Missouri 7. Got a win, Killer B. Big deal. The post-Les Miles era begins with bird song, ends with banshee wailing. Mark my words.
Totals on the week/year, Fuckers:
Randong: 6/ 28. Even a busted watch is right twice a day, DouchMonger.
SeaScum: -4/ 20. How brief the glory, HolePicker.
CCS:7/ 17. Judgement Day is coming for you, Fellatio.
BroFro: 7/16. Smurfettes running the table? In your dreams, Self-Stimulator.
Teebs! 2/13. Burn in hell, Meechy Lover. Be damned.
Q: 2/ 13. Men of the Scarlet and Gray!
KMan: 7/ 13, A 5 point move up? Is Vandy that good or are you...a major douchebag?
McLoser: 4/ 4. I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore. Probably for the best.
SockPuppet: 4/ 9. Hard to express how much you nauseate me. Happy birthday, Dildo.
SkHank: 0/ -2. Difficult to feel sorry for you. In fact, just plain impossible.
DPo: 0/ -8. You lost to Northwestern. "Inadequate Penis" is your new name.
'BoSuke: -9/ -14. My life is a desolate plain of shit. Schadenfreude is my only pleasure. Kill me.
Snottie: -11/-15. Remember your smugness about the FSU pick? I do. I feel warm inside.
ClemboSlice: 1/ -17. Congratulations on your win over Syracuse, Total Failure In Life Guy.
Killer Bee: 1/ -21. You are like a tiny little troll living in a dark cave. We have all mostly forgotten about you.
Commissioner for Life
Monday, October 3, 2016
GG Week 5 Results
Bon soir, Bronies.
Stanford 6, Wash U 44. I whiffed on this one. So did a lot of you other dumb shits.
Wisconsin 7, Meechy 14. And Meechy missed three field goals. I was wrong on this one too. Most of you fucking assholes picked Meechy. Living with yourselves is your problem. Don't talk to me about it.
Louisville and what's-his-name 36, Clemson 42. Killer B, McLuvin' and me nailed this one. Feather my bung, Friends.
The Scorecard:
Bronie-bitch CCS: 12
Bronie-whore Po: 12
BronieHorny Fro: 12
BroDouche SeaGra: 10
KillerBronie: 9
KBronieMan/Woman: 9
McBronie: 9
Teebsbronie: 9
RandBronie: 8
SnotBronie: 7
SockBronie: 6
Jimbosuke: 4
Die, Bronie Scum.
Commissioner for Life
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