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Monday, October 12, 2015

BRFL Week 6 Results - I Love the Smell of a Double Ream in the Morning. Smells Like... Victory.

And just like that, Killer Bee's first - and let's be real here-  probably last, season comes to a crunching end. Lose the game, lose your Heisman -candidate running back, got the ream. Let me rewind a couple of months and paint a picture for the masses: You were happy, feeling fulfilled, summer was going well, you had the respect of your peers, that pesky UTI had finally cleared up, you were getting a fresh cup of coffee down in the Rivers Edge Cafe when a shadow loomed over you just as you were adding your creamer. You felt a sudden chill. You heard the birds stop chirping and, now looking back on it, you swear the Susquehanna flowed backwards for a second. You turn and are met with the steely, slightly crossed eyes of the Commissioner, long has he been forgotten, whose gaze doesn't quite look at you, but through you as if peering upon a spot on a distant wall behind your head. "You like college football?" he asks. You shrug noncommittally hoping he moves on as you and your colleagues have often discussed how the Commish, long may his crotch itch, is "not quite right" and try to "not be alone with him" if at all possible. It's bonding, a friendly little competition, "close knit" he says. Best of all, Jim says, "Pick Georgia, they have the best running back in the country. You can't miss." Well, Sugartits, polish up your hooker boots cuz you done missed. REAM a bodacious -11. Sweet.

And Clem, who was already in a steep dive, couldn't pull out in time, takes a whopper of a -13 dip for the weekend. Coach is on leave, perhaps he "went to France" too. And don't try to pay us in those funky Dutch guilders or whatever they use as legal tender over there in Brussels or wherever. Your hooker outfit will be put to good use and no longer be worn "just for fun, you guys."

BRFL Week 6 Results

OSU gives up 28 to lowly Maryland (didn't the mighty Wolverines shutout Maryland last week?) Buckeyes are paper tigers and there's a big storm ahead and Charlie don't surf. Spooge Rag picks up 2, Now has 7. Doom forthcoming.

TCU holds off KSU. Defense wins championships and giving up 85 points a game will eventually bite you in the balls. McLovin' drops 1, gets nada for the weekend. Holding on to 4 points.

Snot Bubble feeling pretty full of himself, beats down GT for a 3 point weekend. Now at 17.

Sean. Oh, Sean. Sean, Sean Sean. Moo U survives Rutgers...RUTGERS! and drops 3 in the poll. One for the win,  -3 for just being a dick, -2 for the week. You be at 5 for now. Rajun' Harbaughs gonna give you a dong punch next week. I smell your fear.

Texas A&M has a bye. Still moves up one. Plus 1 for doing jack shit. Q now at 30

Old Miss beats something called NMSU while Jim is drying out. Moves up 1, picks up 3 for the weekend. Resting comfortably at 14.

T-Boner picks up 3 as the Notre Fucktards ass-pound Navy, which I hear is their preference. Never leave your buddy's behind. Added to your zip from last week, you at 3.

CCS putting together a respectable season, but one loss and you're through. Hear me? You're through.  A 6 point weekend after napalming CSU. Now at 9.

Clemstain's Trojenz broke and he swallows a -13 point drop. Add to your -2 and according to the new math the kids do these days, you are at -15. You can't go any lower. This saddens me.

Killer Bee, welcome to the Show. Drop -11 added to your -4 from last week, you are now at -15. Killer Bee, meet Clem. Clem, Killer Bee. The horror, the horror.

The Po. A massive VT victory has him riding a swell o' pride as he motors up to 3. Sweeeeet.

Hank has a Bye. He is not paying attention. Rises 1 and No Drops. Two for doing nothing. Respectable at 13.

RandReam - what a disaster. Loses to 'Bama. nothing for you. Hanging at -9.

Pubefro and the Cards have a bye. Still at 2.


  1. Nice work D. Po . I'm Bout 2 miles from the French border and I managed to log in. Not sure wtf the commish is doing but way to step up.

  2. Impressive work.
    Really impressive. I wouldn't mind seeing these posts every week. Especially since there are so many fewer mistakes.
    Clam has no idea how shitty the pick I "helped" him with is turning out. No clue that his coach was fired for being drunk basically the whole season. Uninformed that his athletic director is such a numbskull has-been that no one even wants him on the selection committee for the new coach. If anyone has Clem's number maybe give him a ring and let him know how things are going.
    I almost feel like RandTurd should get a point for making Alabama look bad, I almost feel like that. But not completely.
    If I were Killer Bee (and I'm not) I'd start paying attention to GG because there is such a thing as losing too much money.
    Nick Chubb. Thanks for last season, Bro.

