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Sunday, October 18, 2015

GG Week 7 Results


In your first year as Head Man you take a bunch of players someone else recruited and who, by common consensus, suck. And you turn them into the #12 team in the country. At home you basically have beat Meechy State. There are less than ten seconds left. Your punter has been killing it all day including an 80 yard epic. It's fourth down. By the time the upcoming punt lands, time will have expired and you will be the envy of the college football universe.

Except that the snap is a little low and off line (your punter says, though it looked okay on the replay). And your punter, who is really a rugby player, can't field it. And, since he's a rugby player, he doesn't know enough to fall on it and let your defence hold on for one more hail mary pass that they are sure to knock down.

Instead, your punter picks it up and his mind snaps. In his mind, panic stricken and irrational such as it is, he is back on the rugby pitch with the whole MSU punt team, 11 guys since there is nobody back, bearing down on him. So he pitches it, like you would if you were playing rugby. Right to an obscure back-up MSU DBack who, were it not for this play, would have lived out his whole football life in obscurity and maybe, if he was lucky, graduated from Meechy State and landed a job in sales somewhere in the Midwest.
But wait. There's more.

Come to find out, Meechy State special teams are well schooled in this sort of play and they form an impenetrable convoy, right in front of the Meechy band and the Moo U son of a bitch scores and the game is over. Just like that. You lose. And you seriously think about killing yourself. Just for a second.

But you don't. You don't even freak out. Because you're Jim Harbaugh. You're a fucking jackhammer. You don't take days off. You pick your teeth with ten penny nails, after you eat puppies. You don't lose your shit on national TV. You just take off the headset and go home and start prepping for Minnestoa.
You're at least pretty happy about all the sweeps you just fucked up in GG. At least you have that.

There was only one who swept. The One. Mr. Last Pick and he tabbed Clemson who is ripping it up and on pace to win the BRFL too. This motherfucker is so red hot right now it's sickening. I hate him much.

CCS: adds 2, 18 the Leader.
BroFro adds 2. 17.
Sock adds 2. 16.
Q woman adds 2. 16
Snottie with the SWEEP. Adds 5. Newly respectable at 16.
SeaScum adds 2. 15.
DPo adds 2. 15. And a heart that can't be mended.
McLuvin adds 2. 15. Thanks for the GG sub in last week.
Jimbosuke adds 2. 12. Gonna' need to pick up the pace as Ole Miss falls apart.
Randoo adds 1. 9.
Teebs adds 1. 8. Loving ND.
Killer Bee adds 1. 4. How's that BRFL rookie year working out for you, KB?

Commissioner for Life.


  1. CCS is God-Like...............


  2. Thanks McL;
    I've been trying to convince my wife that for over a decade and been having no luck.
