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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Talkin' GG week 11 results

Go Bucks? Fuuuuuuck yeah.

No sweeps. The mark of a quality GG.

BroFro and ThaiStick (SeaGra) lead the charge with 8 apiece.

Here's how it shakes out, Mon Bitchez':

4 way cock-block at the top:
SeaScum, QBabe, ChipSux, SockPocket, all @ 37.

DPong @ 34.

Then there's everybody else:

Bro Fro: 31
McLovin': 28
ScoSuck: 27
Jimbosuke, acknowledge his pick of TOSU when NO OTHER BRFLer GAVE THEM A CHANCE: 26
ClemboFuckeeLongTime: 23
Randouche: 21.
TJizz: last.


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