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Sunday, November 23, 2014

GG week 13 Results

GG Week 13.

One sweep: Seannie Graham. The boy's got game.

Sock Puppet, still on top, picks up 6 ('Braska?!): 53. 
SeaBiscuit: Sweeep. Not easy to do. 10. 49.
CCS. Picks up 6. Another Nebraska casualty. 45.
DPo. Douche. Douche. Douche. Douche. 0. 44.
BroFro. Got the Stanford pick right. That's it. 2. 43.
Q-love. Stanford. Minnesota. Otherwise: douche. 43
'Bosuke. Fucked over by Mormon boof-packers. 6. 38.
McLovin'. Pretty much an ass-whipping. Got the Stanford pick. 2. 36.
ClemSuckee. Utah loser. 6. 33.
Snott. Stanford staves off total humiliation for you, AssSmell. 2. 33.
RZ. Picks up Stanford and KState. 4. 29.
TJizz. Another no show. I'm not angry. Much. 10.
