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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

BRFL Week 10 Results

Meechy beats woebegone Indiana and fires Dave Brandon, the out-of-control pizza slinging AD.
In one weekend Meechy becomes a dangerous team again. Congrats, DBlow. You have 4.

Iowa gets a "W". Forgot who they played. CCS moves up to 6 total.
Seannie G. sees his Baylor Bears hang 60 on the Jayhawks. Picks up 4. Now with 6.

McLovin' and the Cardinals put a scare into Jameis and Jimbo but can't hold on. Stays at 7.

Georgia's pussy schedule finally goes un-pussy as Will Muschamp and the hated Gators discover a running back. Actually, they had this guy all along but he was "banged up". Much has been made of Georgia's defense. NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND! Florida runs the same play about 50 times and the Dawgs can't stop it. Formula for beating Georgie: Run. Could have some trouble with Auburn.
Jimbosuke, cleanse his feet with lilac water all ye douches, crash dives to 8 from 16 last week.
BYU finds someone to beat: Middle Tennessee Scrotum. BroFro with 8. Reminding me of a troublesome pimple that just will not go away.

WHank hs the weekend off. No worries. AP love rains down. Picks up 3. 12 total. Bama up this weekend. Only my unalloyed bile-spew hatred of Alabama has me hoping you win, WHank-a-Doucheman.

Duke, Duke and Clemsan suckee fuckee long time Duke again. Double OT win over Pittsburgh. AP love showers down. 4 on the weekend. RED ALERT: this Clemsan person has 14. Not pleased with the new role for Clem.
Meechy State takes the weekend off. No love. 14 has you locked up and pecker-jousting with Clemsan for the Liberace.

KState hammers a suddenly suckful Oklahoma State squad. No move up, Bitch. But still, 2 puts you further out front with 24.

Negative Territory:

Wisconsin scores the diddle with a remorseless pounding of sub-shitty Rutgers. RUTGERS.
You diddle a team for beating Rutgers? Shame on you, AP. TJazzbo now only minus 1. Typical Wisconsin bullshit.

USC gets a win over Wash St. 1. Move up to -4, Sock.

Stanford. I think they lost to somebody. Despair is a lonely place. Minus 8, Q. Work hard at GG and Heismaniac.
