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Sunday, November 16, 2014

GG Week 12 Results

GG Week 12 Results:

3 sweeps:
SockPull, DPo and BroFro. Congrats. 10 apiece.

SockPuppet on top with a staggering 47 total. Ever wonder why Sock is the last entry on each GG ballot? Guess it works. Total domination.
DPo, #2, with 44. It's about mitigating losses, isn't it, Drew?
Tied up @ #3, BroFro and CCS. We're talking 2 desperate men trying to salvage a season. 41 each.
10 for Bro', 4 for CCS.
SeaDawg and Q-woman clock in @ 39. Q needs this more. Though, truly, a doucheman-like performance this week from both of you. 2 points each.
McLovin' logs 34. Grabbed 6. Train keep a rollin', McLuv.
Jimbosuke, tithe ye generous gifts unto him, @ 32. Picked up 6. Disappointed in the Plainsmen.
Snottie. Season devolving into tragedy. 4 for you. Nebraska? Dude.
ClemboSuckee. 4 points. Never bet against TOSU, Blow n' Go.
RZ. 4. Slow boat to China. 25.
TSchwank. Still @ 10. Amazing lack of enthusiasm.



  1. Add it to my tab. The GG is just another ship in the knight to me.

  2. Teeba, Poet Laureate of the BRFL. "Ship in the knight". I get it. Sort of . I like it.
