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Monday, November 3, 2014

GG Week 10 Results: Busted

Well, I wanted to break it open. Just not this way.

All close games: Auburn over Ole Miss, 35-31.
Arizona St over Utah 19-16.
TCU over WVU 31-30.

Multiple sweeps: SeaBass, DPo, CCS, Snottie, SockPuppet. 10 points each.
Q, BroFro, Randude, all bag 4.
McLovin', Clemsan, TJizzy, pick up 2.
Jimbosuke, return him to the land of Salvation all ye sinners, goes naught for 3.

Q has 33.
SockPuppet: 33
CCS: 33
DHo: 30
SeaGra: 29
McLOvin': 26
Snottie: 25
BroFro: 23
Jimbosuke, merciful God be merciful unto him, 20
Randude: 19
TJizzy!: 10

Now it starts getting ugly.


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