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Sunday, November 30, 2014

TOSU over Meechy and Wisco to the BiG Championship.

This is Cardale Jones, TOSU's third string QB, bringing the wood to an Illinois defender who picked up a tipped pass ruled fumble during clean up time in this year's Illinois game. Cardale is hungry. And that's good because....

... ManGod J.T. Barrett, TOSU's red-shirt freshman Heisman candidate QB is having surgery on his broken ankle Monday. Hell of a season, J. T. Remember Braxton Miller? J.T. was the second string QB. He had about a week to get ready when Braxton went down. So does Cardale.

Anyone notice how TOSU can't stop the run the last three weeks? Minnesota, INDIANA, Meechy. What do these teams have in common? They have good RBs. Not great. But good.
You want to talk about great?
TOSU is playing Wisconsin for the BiG championship. Do you know who Melvin Gordon is?

This is Melvin Gordon, Heisman trophy candidate. When he's not swinging Paul Bunyan's axe he's doing things like this:

So, that's how come TOSU is liable to be a 7 point dog in the BiG championship game.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

GG Week 14: Instant Glory

GG Week 14

This week, it pays to pick the upset. Use the ESPN pre-game odds. They grade one of our games a dead heat:  Arizona State @ Arizona. That game pays one for the win, in GG.

We have 3 other games. Pick the favorite and win and you get 1 point each. You get the Arizona game right and pick all 3 rivalry games right, favorites or not, you get 10 plus any extra points from picking the upsets. Say you picked all favorites except you picked Meechy and they knock off TOSU. You take home 15 total points. 'Cause every upset earns 5 GG points. And those 5 are added to your total on the day.

(Say you picked the Arizona game correctly but whiffed on two of the others and then nailed an upset in the Georgia game. Total on the day? Anybody? 6 points. Get arizona right and bag two upsets, you're going home  with 11.)

You pick all the upsets, you could rack up 15 points there and if you get the Arizona game you get 10 for a sweep. 25 points. Instant Glory.

Our games are:

Arizona v Arizona State
The Iron Bowl: Auburn @ Alabama
The Game: Meechy @ TOSU
Georgia Tech @ Georgia

Roll the bones.

Monday, November 24, 2014

BRFL Week 13 Results

Here's how it went down:

K State dumps West Virginny on the road, at night. AP oddly not impressed. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, bump 1 to #11. Measly 2 point weekend. Randude stays out front, where he likes it. Total 25 BRFL points.

Georgia ass-whips Charleston Southern but, really, is that a big deal? AP says, "of course not, Dolt". 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, bump me up 1 to #8. 23. Shoulder. Looking. Over. Randy.

Baylor with the slap down of hapless Okie State. What the fuck happened to Okie State? They suck now. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 1 for the move up. Things are looking mighty sweet for SeaBiscuit. #2 in GG and shaking hands with the Liberace. 16.

McLuvin'. Labors in obscurity. Suffers injury and insult. Then picks the perfect team to "upset". The Golden Domers, about whom every AP voter has a huge boner. Hence the long awaited DIDDLE. 1 for the win. 5 for the Diddle. 1 more because you land at 24. 7 point weekend. 15 points are yours and the worm has definitely turned.

But wait. There's more. Formerly high flying Snottie has 15 as well. Sparty mauls terrible Rutgers at home. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. AP says "nix" on a move up. Seannie Graham sort of eating Snottie's lunch these days.

BYU opens up a can on Savannah State ( 0-11). BroFro, the ultimate survivor, noses into double digits as he racks up 10 total as of this week. Mr. "I'm not done yet, Bitch."

Wisco. Tops the Hawkeyes in a bitter contest. No AP love. Add 2 to your total, TimCheese. 9.

Once upon a time there was a DutchBoy. And he rode the Duke Blue Devils to unforeseen heights. Then, for no reason at all, his Blue Devils laid a giant egg on Thursday night and douche-dove into the depths of mid atlantic misery. North Carolina, in their silly uniforms, dumps the ClemSuckee Love Train and the AP wastes little time. Say hello to your REAM, Clemsan. Minus 5 weekend. You now have 8 and, no, you won't be playing for the ACC conference championship.

Iowa. Charles Schanz, Jr. Formerly a proud BRFL franchise. Loses a tough one to Chucky Cheese. Naught into naught equals naught. Stay with 7.

Oh my God. Meechy loses to Maryland. Maryland, with the most fucked up helmets I've ever seen. Maryland. A bunch of assholes who wouldn't even shake hands with their "rivals" Penn State. Brady Hoke death watch. Seriously.

Negative territory:

Sock Puppet, is this, like, your worst nightmare ever? You've been diddled and reamed so many times this season I could drive a Volkswagon through your anus. UCLA downs the Troymen. AP gets out the switch and whips your ass with, what, your tenth ream this season? You were at #24. Ream means a total of minus 6. Settle out at minus 4.

Whank and CLM/LSU had the weekend  off. Stay at minus 4.

Stanford. Sucks it up and dumps Cal in "The Game". Shave a minus, Q. You have minus 7.

The picture above is of Tyvis Powell, the first TOSU commit after Tressel got fired, whom everyone mocked as insane for committing to TOSU. Shown picking off Indiana to save TOSU's bacon in week 13. Indiana is not very good, BTW. But still.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

GG week 13 Results

GG Week 13.

One sweep: Seannie Graham. The boy's got game.

Sock Puppet, still on top, picks up 6 ('Braska?!): 53. 
SeaBiscuit: Sweeep. Not easy to do. 10. 49.
CCS. Picks up 6. Another Nebraska casualty. 45.
DPo. Douche. Douche. Douche. Douche. 0. 44.
BroFro. Got the Stanford pick right. That's it. 2. 43.
Q-love. Stanford. Minnesota. Otherwise: douche. 43
'Bosuke. Fucked over by Mormon boof-packers. 6. 38.
McLovin'. Pretty much an ass-whipping. Got the Stanford pick. 2. 36.
ClemSuckee. Utah loser. 6. 33.
Snott. Stanford staves off total humiliation for you, AssSmell. 2. 33.
RZ. Picks up Stanford and KState. 4. 29.
TJizz. Another no show. I'm not angry. Much. 10.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 13 Preview

K State @ WVU. Randude tries to stave off total annihilation.
Charleston Southern @ Georgia. Payday game.
Wisconsin @ Iowa. TCheese v. Chip n Nutz
Rutgers @ Michigan State. Pretty much payday game.
N Carolina @ Duke. Basketball school vs Basketball school. One step from Doomsday, Dutchie.
Okie St @ Baylor. SeaJizzum domination.
Savannah State (0-11) @ BYU. BroFro, the monster who will not die.
Louisville @ Notre Dame. ND still ranked. Put them down, McLovin'. Diddle on, Bro'.
Maryland @ Meechy. Time to start losing again, DBong.
USC @ UCLA. Thugs vs. Punks in a western wasteland. Time for another ream, Sock.
LSU bye. Lick the wounds, WHank.
Stanford @ Cal. This time it's for real. A chance to go from minus 8 to minus 7. Good luck, Q.


GG Week 13

GG Week 13:

2 for each win. That's big.
10 for the sweep. That's bigger.

Stanford @ Cal. Is this a Thursday game? Maybe.
Arizona @ Utah.
Minnesota Golden Gophers @ Nebraska. Rebound game for somebody.
Kansas State @ West Virginia Univ. Randude tries to sidestep THE FIRES OF HELL!

Let's roll.


Monday, November 17, 2014

BRFL, Week 12 Results

Week 12, Amigos.

RandPuppy has a bye. A no drop. A move up (?). 2 points. On top with 22. KState. Hating.

Jimbosuke, perfume ye thyself with his stylishly bottled farts, back at #9 in the AP. Big weekend? Uh...yeah. 34-7 over the Plainsmen between the hedges in Athens. NICK CHUBB. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. 7 on the move up. Hello, 20 BRFL points. Todd Gurley out for the season with torn ACL. His insurance poli pays 5 million if he drops in draft stock, so don't feel that bad. Where was this defense v. lowly Florida? Missouri has to lose for this win to matter.

Was that a big weekend? Well, let me tell  you about another big weekend. Melvin Gordon, 408 yards in 3 quarters and the Badgers explode for 59. Gang rape of Bo Pellini well received across America. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. 8 on the move up. Teeba, given up for dead last month, now contending for the Liberace. 14.

Routine Spartan beat down of some poor schlepper nets Snottie 4. Has 13.
ClemboFuckee tastes the bitterness of the almost Ream as Duke inexplicably goes deep douchemode and drops one to Va. Tech, 17-16. AP fucks with Clemsan and stops short of the dreaded ream. Cold stone is your pillow, Dutch Boy. Rest uneasy @ #25. Still a minus 6 point gut punch. You've got 13 too, Lesbian.
SeaRimmer. Bye week. 1 for the no drop. Join the pussy posse with 13.

BroFro. "Give up" not in your DNA, apparently. Cougs down UNLV hard and you pick up 1 to go to 9 on the season. Back up QB gits r dun.

McLovin'. Bye week. "Naught into naught equals naught", to quote Jethro Boudin. You have 8.

CCS. Iowa. Pounds the stuffing out of hapless Illinois. Add one. You have 7, Bitch.

DPo. Bye. Dave Brandon back to selling cheese crust pies. Naught. You have 5.

SockPupa. Yo-yo through another week why don't you? It's DIDDLE time in LA again. Vanquish the Golden Bears. 1 for the win. Back in the AP Circle of Love, pick up 5. Land @ 24 means one more. 7 point weekend. Have 3. Goodbye negative territory.

Negative Territory:

SkHank. Bruising tilt vs. Satan and the Tide shows up in a no-show loss to Arkansas. Blanked by the much hated Burt Bielema. His first SEC win. This is an affront to all humanity. Not advocating suicide. Just suggesting you think about it. The sting of the REAM is yours, Bro. From #20 in the AP to nowheresville. Minus ten weekend. Minus 4 on the season.

Q. God in heaven. Is there no "rock bottom" for you? If I had a plane ticket and I saw that you had a plane ticket on THE SAME PLANE? Well. Let's not go there. You drop, like, what? Your 19th game in a row? In OT. War  is hell. You have minus 8.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

GG Week 12 Results

GG Week 12 Results:

3 sweeps:
SockPull, DPo and BroFro. Congrats. 10 apiece.

SockPuppet on top with a staggering 47 total. Ever wonder why Sock is the last entry on each GG ballot? Guess it works. Total domination.
DPo, #2, with 44. It's about mitigating losses, isn't it, Drew?
Tied up @ #3, BroFro and CCS. We're talking 2 desperate men trying to salvage a season. 41 each.
10 for Bro', 4 for CCS.
SeaDawg and Q-woman clock in @ 39. Q needs this more. Though, truly, a doucheman-like performance this week from both of you. 2 points each.
McLovin' logs 34. Grabbed 6. Train keep a rollin', McLuv.
Jimbosuke, tithe ye generous gifts unto him, @ 32. Picked up 6. Disappointed in the Plainsmen.
Snottie. Season devolving into tragedy. 4 for you. Nebraska? Dude.
ClemboSuckee. 4 points. Never bet against TOSU, Blow n' Go.
RZ. 4. Slow boat to China. 25.
TSchwank. Still @ 10. Amazing lack of enthusiasm.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

GG Week 12

GG week 12.

2 points for each win. S'right. I'm givin' ya' two! You get the sweep, pick up 10.

Mississippi State @ Alabama. Dork Prescock vs. Satan's DingleHoles.
Nebraska @ Wisconsin. Osama Abdullah vs. Melvin Gordon in Camp Randall. Corn vs. Cheese.
Auburn @ Georgia. Season defining struggle for the Dawgs. Plainsmen looking to get back into it.
THE Ohio State University @ Minnesota. Trap game for TOSU against a solid group of Golden Gophers? Burn in hell fire if you if you think so.

Roll them bones, Boys.


BRFL Week 11 Results

And in other news:

Randiddy takes a step back after a douching by TCU. Still @ the top with 20.
Another "W" for the Blue Devils and ClemboSuckee moves up 5 to 19.
Baylor picks up 6 with the bitch-slap on BigGameBob, SeaJesus sits @ 12. Back from the dead is Seannie.

Jimbosuke, lick his sandals, ye unbelievers, slides up 3 after hanging 60+ on Kentucky. 'Bosuke has 11, recovering nicely from the douche-fest in Gainesville. Todd Gurley back this week. Unfortunately going against the Plainsmen, smarting after a self-destruction vs. A&M.

Snottie's Spartans get dry-rammed by the Scarlet and Gray, nose-dive to 9, Mr. Maybe-not-going-to-the-conference-championship.
BroFro, bye week, BYU has a semi-permanent home at 8. Doesn't seem fair.
McLovin', Cards shit-can the 'Cuse. AP cares not one fucking damn. McLovin' LoveBug stalled @ 8.

Chipenhausen. Does Iowa suck? Not totally. The Golden Gophers are good this year. Loss nets you stoogats. Stay in the personal hell of "6".
WHank. OT loss to Satan. What's worse than that? I can't think of anything. You are, in essence, finished this season. You have 6. Get comfortable with that number.

Meechy win over another hapless BiG "powerhouse". Was it Northwestern? Nothing to be proud of. Baseball score bores the AP to death and beyond. You have 5.

Timbosuke! Melvin Gordon big day. 5 point weekend with the move up. You have 4.

Negative Territory:

Bye week for USC. Total boredom. Minus 4.
Stanford bye. No action, no traction. Minus 8.


Liberace, for reelz

Talkin' GG week 11 results

Go Bucks? Fuuuuuuck yeah.

No sweeps. The mark of a quality GG.

BroFro and ThaiStick (SeaGra) lead the charge with 8 apiece.

Here's how it shakes out, Mon Bitchez':

4 way cock-block at the top:
SeaScum, QBabe, ChipSux, SockPocket, all @ 37.

DPong @ 34.

Then there's everybody else:

Bro Fro: 31
McLovin': 28
ScoSuck: 27
Jimbosuke, acknowledge his pick of TOSU when NO OTHER BRFLer GAVE THEM A CHANCE: 26
ClemboFuckeeLongTime: 23
Randouche: 21.
TJizz: last.


Heismaniac Votes Due in Today.

Boys, don't forget to put your Hesiman votes up. Today is the deadline.
A bunch of you have posted your choices on the "Heismaniac is back" post a few weeks ago. That's fine. Guys can post them here too.


Monday, November 10, 2014

True story

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Liberace is a plague

When I got to work this morning apparently the party wasn't quite over. I suppose it was just a matter of time. Disgusting

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

GG week 11

I said it would get ugly.

5 games. 2 points each. 10 for the sweep.

Baylor @ Oklahoma. SeanniePants sweats it out in Norman.
Kansas State @ TCU. Big 12 hate-fest and Randude has crampy pains.
Michigan State hosts Ohio State. Should be a whupping. Still, bad smell issues from Scott's trousers.
Alabama @ LSU. Saban: most evil human in the universe? Aims to shit on WHank's poorly received good fortune.
Notre Dame @ Arizona State. What's-his-name Kelly throws co-ed off scaffolding as sacrifice to the Gods. Then eats the beloved puppy of a challenged school girl.

Good luck.


Ohio State starting nickel Armani Reeves won't likely play against Michigan State, head coach Urban Meyer said Wednesday.

BRFL Week 10 Results

Meechy beats woebegone Indiana and fires Dave Brandon, the out-of-control pizza slinging AD.
In one weekend Meechy becomes a dangerous team again. Congrats, DBlow. You have 4.

Iowa gets a "W". Forgot who they played. CCS moves up to 6 total.
Seannie G. sees his Baylor Bears hang 60 on the Jayhawks. Picks up 4. Now with 6.

McLovin' and the Cardinals put a scare into Jameis and Jimbo but can't hold on. Stays at 7.

Georgia's pussy schedule finally goes un-pussy as Will Muschamp and the hated Gators discover a running back. Actually, they had this guy all along but he was "banged up". Much has been made of Georgia's defense. NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND! Florida runs the same play about 50 times and the Dawgs can't stop it. Formula for beating Georgie: Run. Could have some trouble with Auburn.
Jimbosuke, cleanse his feet with lilac water all ye douches, crash dives to 8 from 16 last week.
BYU finds someone to beat: Middle Tennessee Scrotum. BroFro with 8. Reminding me of a troublesome pimple that just will not go away.

WHank hs the weekend off. No worries. AP love rains down. Picks up 3. 12 total. Bama up this weekend. Only my unalloyed bile-spew hatred of Alabama has me hoping you win, WHank-a-Doucheman.

Duke, Duke and Clemsan suckee fuckee long time Duke again. Double OT win over Pittsburgh. AP love showers down. 4 on the weekend. RED ALERT: this Clemsan person has 14. Not pleased with the new role for Clem.
Meechy State takes the weekend off. No love. 14 has you locked up and pecker-jousting with Clemsan for the Liberace.

KState hammers a suddenly suckful Oklahoma State squad. No move up, Bitch. But still, 2 puts you further out front with 24.

Negative Territory:

Wisconsin scores the diddle with a remorseless pounding of sub-shitty Rutgers. RUTGERS.
You diddle a team for beating Rutgers? Shame on you, AP. TJazzbo now only minus 1. Typical Wisconsin bullshit.

USC gets a win over Wash St. 1. Move up to -4, Sock.

Stanford. I think they lost to somebody. Despair is a lonely place. Minus 8, Q. Work hard at GG and Heismaniac.


This is how you get jiggy wit it, boys

A GG sweep, a Michigan victory - I'm back, bitches! Gonna dance me some Kate Upton, yo.
A young Gus Malzahn, gettin jiggy with it

Monday, November 3, 2014

GG Week 10 Results: Busted

Well, I wanted to break it open. Just not this way.

All close games: Auburn over Ole Miss, 35-31.
Arizona St over Utah 19-16.
TCU over WVU 31-30.

Multiple sweeps: SeaBass, DPo, CCS, Snottie, SockPuppet. 10 points each.
Q, BroFro, Randude, all bag 4.
McLovin', Clemsan, TJizzy, pick up 2.
Jimbosuke, return him to the land of Salvation all ye sinners, goes naught for 3.

Q has 33.
SockPuppet: 33
CCS: 33
DHo: 30
SeaGra: 29
McLOvin': 26
Snottie: 25
BroFro: 23
Jimbosuke, merciful God be merciful unto him, 20
Randude: 19
TJizzy!: 10

Now it starts getting ugly.


Heismaniac is Back

It's Heismaniac time again in the BRFL.

There are 929 votes. That's a lot.
Keep it simple: pick the winner and how many first place votes he snags.

In the event of a tie please also have picked the 2nd place finisher and the third place finisher and how many votes they recieved FOR FIRST PLACE.  Your total must add up to 929. That's how we do the tie breaker.

Example: Turd Ferguson winner, 479 1st place votes
                 D'quan Liberace, runner up, 320 1st place votes
                 Eisenhower McLovin', third, 159 1st place votes.

Deadline is Tuesday of next week, Nov 11
