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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 9: Ron Dayne is Pissed. And He's Comin' for McLovin'

Commish Deadlift and Randle Randiddy separate from the pack. Not saying anything is "going on" between them. Who am I to say anything? With serious points, it is no surprise that they are both over $300 in winnings. But the throbbing meat of the schedule draws nigh. At least one if not both of these douchebags will fall back to earth in burn up in the atmosphere like Major Tom. Who is on a 2 game losing streak? Clem is on a 2-game losing streak and that's just fine by me.

Pubefro picks up the ream. Tough sledding for VT upcoming. That pick was doomed from the outset.

McStool is in record negative territory. Finger painting with his own feces on his living room wall won't help, but no point in stopping now.

Double check the point standings. Minor mishap with the BRFL Excel file required a few weeks of restoration.

Points? Points!
Commish 40
Randidler 36
Clem 15
Scott 14
Chip 13
Chuckie 11
Paul 8
Timmy! 8
Sean 2
Drew -1
Q-Love -6
McStool -17

Flashin' the Benjamenz:
Commish $357
ManRandled $309
The Bearded Clem $57

Squeegeeing Windshields:
D. Poor -$135
Q Smoke Manmuscle -$195
McDestitute -$327

Positively Mediocre
Scoturd $45
Sparty Manmeat $33
Stool Puppet $9

Below the Mendoza line
Paul -$27
Timay!-$ 27
Seagrams -$99


  1. Hey, I take it as a moral victory that I stayed at negative seventeen, and didn't find some way to even lose in a bye week.
    So, I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

  2. Posse closing in Randle. Fateful trip to Tallahasee gets nasty for the U.

  3. The best part is that I totally forget the rule and scoring system and rules. I'm just here to to enjoy the pain of others. Like any good American.
    ps: I listen to everyone of your calls, track your web use and know it all. Considers your silly selves Merkeled. Jonny Football and I will soon rule the world minions. The Commish is just holding my money for now.....
