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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

GG Week 8 Results, Sweepless in Ctown

Mike Perrino, fullback, goes in for 6 to tie NYMills 36-36 with 00:34 in the 4th, Saturday.
Mike Perrino, Sr., photo

No sweeps in GG, Week 8.

BroFro adds 2, pads his lead to 31.
Dirk Hardpeck adds 2, runner up at 27. Needs a sweep.
ClemboSlice falling back, snuffed for 0, 23. Come in, Sailor.
Seannie, blanked, stays at 21.
Snottie, adds 2, blows the Clemson pick, 19
QLove, adds 1, 18
CCS and SockPooper tied at 16
Butch Deadlift, Praises and Blessings on him, 15. Shut out weekend.
McLovin', adds 1 to rise to14, looks like GG won't save you, Tool.
Randude, adds 1 on the Stanford pick, 12
T bone, mysterious absenteeism sucking him down to hell, 8. I hear a dog laughing.

Butch DeadLift,
Commissioner for Life


  1. Good game picks sweeps....

  2. There was on sweep, Dudesicle. Seannie Graham pegged all three.
    The Boise State/BYU game was kind of weak.
