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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

BRFL Week 7 - McThornbody's Deep Squat

Trunk Slamchest 29
Butch Deadlift 29
Blast Hardcheese 23
Punch Rockgroin 18
Splint Chesthair 18
Bulk Vanderhuge 13
Crunch Slabsteak 11
Rip Slabcheek 5
Stump Beefknob 5
GristleMcThornbody -2
Dirk Hardpeck -2
Smoke Manmeat -7

Midterm Moneez

It ain't over but at the halfway point, Diddle and the Commish (Thursday nights on ABC), are laying their wood to the rest of the league. Clem is residing in third, which leads to me to think about that whole thing about monkeys and typewriters and eventually typing a sentence. McBlewit is setting himself up for a world of hurt. Can't wait. Positive points can still cost you. 

Hatin' playas, hatin' da game.

Randidler $208
Commish $208
Clem? Clem! $136
Scostool $76
BroBitch $76
Sean $16
Timmy! -$8
Chip -$80
Pocketmaster -$80
McStain -$164
Dirk Hardpeck -$164
Ms. Manmeat -$224



  1. Holy Hemmeroid Batman !!
    My Georgia Bulldogs have their starting offense decimated by injuries...Tailback Toidd Gurley maybe coming back soon from the ankle sprain, but not soon enough to head off my free fall to negative-land....Season ending knee injuries to tailback Keith Marshall, AND both wide receivers Malcolm Mitchell and Justin Scott-Wesley. Murray can't do it alone....
    Crying, screaming, praying, medicating....repeating.
    Could be looking at another season of subsidies to you bags!!!!!
    I want Mom's pie, it's all I may have left!!!!

    1. When you beg Blast HardCheese for a bridge loan to keep the repo man from your door your humiliation will be complete, McLovin'. You are one hurting piece of garbage. Really. I'm disgusted.

      Also, have all you douchebags completely forgotten about Heismaniac? Am I talking to myself here? Fucking guys. Why do I bother?

  2. Heismaniac! What the fuck is that? You bother, because you can't help yourself. It a sickness, which we all thrive on.


    1. When did we do Heismaniac last year, DiddyHole? Was it week 8? Was it week 9? So confused.


    2. Week 8, when you screwed it up royally. Then we had to have a do-over.. A FUCKING DO-OVER... at the end of October. A do-over in the BRFL. Unacceptable. First time, I had Johnny Manziel going to the NYC, and you said "Johnny Who?" Remember that? Remember that? Then you got all pussy and gave everyone until the end of October because they couldn't make vote percentage add up to 100%. Look it up. That's why we have a blog. Archives, and shit. Reference stuff. Behold the genius of my ways. The BRFL Blog -the sandbox of all that is holy and right with the world. It's a friggin' pallazzo. With pigeons and shit.

    3. Disturbingly accurate recollection D-God....flashbacks giving me a headache, or maybe that's just my financial ruination flaring up,...again.
