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Sunday, October 20, 2013

BRFL Week 8 - McThornbody Down

43 points, mutha fuckers. Forty-fuckin' three. That's how many points the BRFL posse collectively lost this Saturday. Fifteen points, ten and a ream by McThornbody. You've reached maximum suckage. And your throbbing touch hole is sitting upon a $327 loss right now. Not to rub it in, but I kinda enjoyed Saturday. I kinda enjoyed it a lot. Commish pulls away with da Bears at 37 points and over a $300 payday. No sharing with your brother. It's a rule. The meat of your schedule arrives in a few weeks. Start sweating it now. Louisville drops 10,  proof that everyone hates Louisville. More pain to come. Gird 'em if you got 'em.
Commish 37
Randidler 34
Paul 22
Clem 20
Scott 12
Chuckie 10
Chip 6
Timmy! 4
Sean 3
Drew -2
Q-Love -6
McStool -17


  1. Aren't my losses mitigated and capped by The BRFL Injury Mercy Rule when most of your team's decent players have blown out knees and ankles and your QB soils his pants only 5 yards shy of his career low?
    Think it's on page 327 of the Living Document, pretty sure I saw it there...yeah, I saw it there, or somewhere...
    Or maybe it was hidden in the Heismaniac rules and regulations like that slick Obamacare secret stuff that nobody read before they voted it in.

  2. Clemson only drops 6 spots! Lucky me. SR

  3. You're still in it. Haven't heard from Teeba since the Johnny Football ManRape. What gives?

  4. McTool, your only hope is the Second Thoughts Draft. Who did you have?

  5. ALA freaking BAMA I get like 56 points for that or something?

    1. Actually, in Second Thoughts Draft you only get points from rising in the poll, a diddle or a ream. No where for Bama to go but down. You're toast.

  6. Maybe we should have followed my suggestion and had a Dog of the AP. Pick the team that will drop the most. I would have picked Georgia.

    1. Would have been prudent to share that info with me up front D Prick.

  7. Dirk Hardpeck is pulling your chain, McBankrupt. He never thought of "Dog of the AP" until he caught a whiff of that shit pile dropped by your Georgia Bulldogs this season. Not a bad idea though. Eye-z u, I'd be heading on down to WalMart and hooking myself up with a second job. You are so screwed. I feel bad for you. I do . Really. But what was with the Georgia pick? They always disappoint. What happened to the old " I'm taking Wisconsin, now fucking pay me" McTool of days gone by?

    Butch Deadlift

    1. From the archives, Deadlift, dated Aug 12, two thousand and thirteen years after the birth of our lord and savior:

      "Here's what i just grunted out: Bonus points for the BRFL main event.

      The assembled trembling masses make three picks.

      The first is the usual BRFL pick. Points awarded as always.

      Now comes the bonus points and picks.

      The second pick is the That Dog Don't Hunt Pick. You pick the most over-rated team. 13 bonus points for picking the biggest pooper. 12 for second on down to 5. Maybe negative points for the dudes on the bottom because, well, it is the BRFL. This is just a year-end calculation, perhaps periodic updates. Bonus points if Randiddle's BRFL pick is your dog pick.

      The third pick is the All Hat and Cattle Too: Pick the final BCS champion. 10 points for guessing winner, 5 points for guessing opponent. 20 points if you guess the matchup. 25 if you guess the the winner and opponent.

      Bowels moving. Time to pinch another one."

      Commissioner Deadlift can ignore my magnanimous magnitudeness but trash my integrity? When I got back-up? Bitch, I am yo' back-up.

    2. As you know, I have Badger issues, or just issues.

    3. See? That's what I did, I picked Georgia as the "That Dog Don't Hunt Pick"....I was confused....My real pick was Alabama, so I think I've got like 14 points or something...please just erase my negative 17 and everything will be squared away again...Thanks.
