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Monday, October 7, 2013

GG week 6: Cheap Sweeps

Such Bullshit.

Commissioner  El Magnifico falls down on the job and serves up a duck:

No less than 6 sweeps: Douche Sean, BroVagina, ScoFudgePacker, DBlow, Jimbbosucky and QLove.
5 each for these bitches.

BroFudge in the lead, 24
DBlow, sloppy seconds, 20
RammaGrama, third watch, 19
ClemobSlice, 18, I remember when you were a big deal in this league, Clem.
ScoTurd, 15, dees nutz
QLove, 15 (still nothing adding up here for you, Seannie?)
JimboSuke, 13, homage and hosannahs to him. Praises.
McLovin', 11, smell your own farts, ShortBus
Sock Lube, Chip n'Job and RandRim, three 9's
TeaBagger, 6, totally pathetic in every way. Just sad.

Really, kind of a humiliating excuse for GG, jock-sniffers,

Commissioner for Life