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Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 3 results, Badgerized

So amazing. Wisconsin. If it wasn't Wisconsin I would feel really bad for these guys. You have to blame the coach here. Definitely not worth it, running that last "play". Who knew the ref would zone out and spot the ball like it was the 4th quarter of the Cooperstown game? Crazy. SockPuppet is a good person. He did not deserve this. But, whoa, what am I SAYING?! It's the BRFL. Of course he deserved it.
Sorry, lost my head there for a second.

Here's how it shakes out, courtesy of the DPotron:

Randidler 16
Commish 14
Clem 13
Scott 10
Sean 8
Chuckie 3
Chip 3
Paul 2
Timmy! 1
McStool -1
Drew -4
Q-Love -9

Miami climbing the ladder, enriching the Randude. Commissioner's Bears get a nice bump ( I mean, for not playing I did really well. Thanks, AP!). ClemBoSlice and the Bruins making a splash, send Nebraska out of the poll and into hell fire. How good does it feel to see Bo Pellini shit himself every year at the hands of UCLA? Damn good. McTool and Snotty, your comments were hurtful. 
Snotty feeling all kinds of better about this year. Clemson treading water @ #3. Seannie's in this thing. SuckPuppy, everyone knows Wisconsin won that game. Barely punished in the poll. 
Paul continues to puzzle. Virginia Tech? Brain scan time, Amigo?
Timmy! You were one pick six away from glory. Aggies not dead yet. 
Syph, who do you have? Michigan State? They're 3 - 0 and need a meaningful win. Getting votes.
McMuffin, Georgia sticking @ #9. Lots of big games. That you will lose.
Drew. Ugh. Lane Kiffin is fucking so DONE. Tapes a video that simulates a press conference to explain why he picks the Numbskull of the Week to play QB. Like being on a seaplane over the ocean but you have wheels underneath, not those pontoony things.
QLove. Suddenly Boise State sucks and you are in a world of hurt. Second thoughts draft your only reason for living.

Long live Jimbosuke.


  1. This actually working just like we drew it up. This is our loss for the year. Now on to beat The Ohio State Univ. to win the Leaders Division and then the conference championship.

  2. Speaking of Bo Pellini, nice f-Bomb laden tirade from 2011 calling out his own fans...might want to assume someone's recording ya there COACH when you are getting ready to do an interview...genius!

    1. You caught that, huh? He's so done. Hates his fans, hates his administration, just hating. Next stop, Division 2.

    2. Next stop. BRFL Special Advisor, Bile and Loathing Division
