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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Second Thoughts Picks Revealed

And, lo, it came to pass that there was even more hostility loose upon the land.
The coming of the Second Thoughts Draft.

Revealed below, the Second Thoughts picks from those that made 'em:

Snottie: Miami U.
SeaGra: South Carolina
ClemboSlice: Oklahoma State
McTool: Alabama
Jimbosuke, May Peace Be Upon Him: Kansas State U
SockSack: South Carolina (Bromance much, Seannie?)
BroFro: Fresno State
Timmy Bons: LSU
Chip n' Dip: Miami U. (Snottie ButtBuddy?)
Drewche: Texas
QLove: Notre Dame
Randgina: Oregon State

Just one more thing to fucking worry about.

Commissioner for Life,
Long May He Reign


  1. Hey douche-nozzle, was this ever discussed or agreed upon?? And I certainly never picked south Carolina.


    p.s. Where's my t-shirt?

  2. Yes, yes you did pick SowCow as your second thoughts pick. I asked you. Anyway, you're stuck with them. And no, this was a unilateral front office decision. T-shirts on the way. Settle down, Sock Puppet.


  3. Sock, if I was wrong on you second thoughts pick, I apologize. But it's too late to change it now. Better luck next year.

  4. Maybe Sock wants to make a third choice pick?
