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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BRFL Week One, Call Me Diddle.

Top of the 'heep": Jimbosuke! Stepping to the DIDDLE right out of the gate. #23. 8 points.
(Feels so right.)

Snottie gets his Taj on and dumps McTool. #8 to #4. 6 points for the Booger.
ClemboSlice with UCLA at 5 points on the move up to #18. Nice pull.
JackMaster and SockSuck #23 to #21. 4 points. Didn't Wisconsin suck for you, Scott?
SeaGrunt hops up to #8 and bags the trey.
Bonso gets 1 and 1 for the W and no drop. Deuce, Bro.
Miami wins. One for Zbag.
Little Bro with the victory. Uno for Chip n' Dale.
USC wins but gets docked one for being assholes. Zed for Drewche.
BroFro takes it backside from the Tide. Zippety doo da on the season thus far.
McLovin' digs a hole with the ass-pop by the Tigres: minus 6.
Speaking of ass-pops it's howdy-doo to the ol' ream-eroo for QLove. minus 11.

I.  am.  having.  fun.

Commissioner for Life


  1. I got 'effing robbed. This is a media conspiracy to repress a young man's greatness. Meanwhile the billy jim bob league and bowl commissioners and their groveling sycophantic enablers are doing blow off some former Miss Alabama 4th runner up's inflated barbie boobs on a booster's yacht in the name of some trumped up charity designed to keep the regular people down. Just like they are keeping my young Johnny Football down. This is an outrage.
    They'll get what's coming to 'em ... Mark my pale, angry words.

    1. I can't even begin to compete with the greatness of the Timmy! rant above...especially from my loser position on the second to last step from the earthen root cellar floor as I look up to the basement door...thanks Q for keeping me from last place at least...scary thing is I'm kinda comfy near the bottom...somebod in guvment needa git me a Obama fone, food stamps and sum dang alien amnesty, and PRONTO!
