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Monday, September 16, 2013

Get thee down in yer hole, ye Badger! GG week 3.

Wisconsin, right? What the hell has happened to this program? All they had to do was pop the field goal through and Jimbosuke, yes, the Man, the Legend, takes home the sweep. But no. They had to move it 10 feet or so to the left. Should have listened to the announcer.

Major shake up in GG World. Clem gets some separation with his sweep:

ClemboSlice: 12 on the 5er pick.
DPo with the sweep now @ 9.
BroFro tied for second with 9.
Jimbosuke @ 8 (hating Wisco)
ScoTurd @ 8, early gloating during UCLA game not appreciated
SeaGrunt hangin' around @ 8
QLove @ 7
CCSchanz @ 5
McLovin" @ 7
Randle @ 4
PickleSmoocher @3
SockPuppy has company, TBone @ 3 after whiffing 0 for 3 this weekend. That's what you get for picking Nebraska, Tiimmy!

Awesome participation.
Must be the new GG Admin.



  1. Dickless - I had 4 after Week Two, got Bama right this week, so that looks like fucking FIVE to me...WTF?

  2. Oh! My Goodness. Guess I left you out, McPissChugger. Give yourself 5, Mr. NeedyGuy.

