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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

BRFL Week 2 Standings: Dawn of the MegaDiddle

BRFL Week 2 Results;

Commissioner kicked to the curb like a Mexican midget in a monkey suit.

Randawg sets the bar for all future diddlin': MIAMI with the 16 point gold strike. Dumps hated Florida. He had 1 point from last week. Wax his carrot this week, Bitcheros: 1 for the win, 5 for the diddle, TEN for the move up to 15. Stands alone at the top, breathing the rarefied air of Mount Blackus: 17 points.


Baylor whups up on a nobody. 8 + 3 = 11 for Jimbosuke, All Happiness To Him.
Clemson beats a tomato can. 9 for Snottie
UCLA beats nobody. Literally. Add 3 anyway on the move up. 8 for ClemboSlice
Wisconsin plays payday-ball. 7 for FuckMeHard
Louisville ditto: 6, rhymes with "dicks" for SeaGra
Texas A&M, Johnny Lesbian: 5 for TimboSlice
Sparty gets the Dubya: Total 2 fr Scratch n' Sniff
Vagina Twerk, "W", BroFro with 1
Georgia downs the ol' ball coach, signs of life from McPenis: Minus Two never looked so good.
USC: program in crisis. Drewche takes a reaming: Minus 5 on the season. Suicide watch, Bro'.
QLove. Blue Broncos get a win. Minus Ten is better than minus eleven.

Onward, BRFLers.

Commissioner for Life,
Anoint Him With Oils

Current Standings Pts
Randidler 17
Commish 11
Scott 9
Clem 8
Chuckie 7
Sean 6
Timmy! 5
Chip 2
Paul 1
McStool -2
Drew -5
Q-Love -10


  1. Replies
    1. I think UCLA was idle, so I adjusted the score from your original draft.

      Watchin' out for you.

  2. can we rename the megadiddle??

    the RANdiddle.....

    1. Like when someone gets a 15+ point day you say, "I Randled the whole League with a bitchin' Randiddle". Or "He just totally Randled this week."

      I can get behind that.

    2. Yeah, you like "Randiddled" and I'm the Commissioner so guess what, McLove? We're going with "Randled". Now get back to work.

      Commissioner for Life
      Let All Obey Him and Worship Him

    3. Monty Python and the Holy TwerkSeptember 12, 2013 at 6:33 PM

      Thanks for the active listening, Your Highness.

      -Just another Serf

  3. Love...............

  4. Randy, Randy, Randy..... (shakes head in disappointed fashion)
    First you miss the payout party for some lame ass reason (pauses to gather emotions)/ (sips water)/ (sets emotion aside like any real man would)
    And now this... (sputters) this... (hurls water glass at the wall) so called "branding" of such an obvious lucky fucking Guess, GUESS!!!! with a some pet name (kicks dog/ gets stabbed by girlfriend for doing that)
    FUCK IT!!! (pours Jack Daniels on wound/drinks the rest)

    Love, #notangryjustcarestoomuchaboutpeople
