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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

NFL Playoff Pool Fixin' To Get Underway

 NFL Playoff, Single Elimination, Last-Person-Standing-Takes-the-Cheese Contest.

I mentioned this earlier this year (to rave reviews I might add, see July 28th blog post "BRFL Poaches NFL Playoffs"). Most people didn't send me their ten bucks. This should surprise no one. Still, this is not an optional contest. Everyone is in for 10 clams. There are 14 teams in the playoff. You pick one and you roll with it. It couldn't be any simpler.

Lola has Green Bay. Finished 14th in the BRFL.
CCS has Kansas City. Finished 13th, and so on. 
(DPo unavailable briefly. Moved on. Time sensitive issues.)
BronieButtBuddy (was tied with the 'Po) with Tampa Bay.
Teeblations with San Francisco.
DPo with the Tennessee Titans.
'Bo$$$uke with the LA Rams.
SockPuppet with the Buffalo Bills.
QXXX takes the New England Patriots.
DTBH with the Arizona Cardinals.
BroFro took the Cowboys.
Snottie with the Cincinnati Bengals
Kitten grabs the Las Vegas Raiders.
Ronde' gives the Philadelphia Eagles the nod.
McLovin gets the Pittsburgh Steelers by default.

Get with it, People. The BRFL never takes a day off. This is happening NOW!

And we're underway!

Commissioner for Life