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Friday, January 7, 2022

GG Final Round: National Championship


GG Final Round: National Championships

Kirby Smart/Alec Baldwin brings the Georgia Bulldogs to Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, for a showdown with his perennial nemesis the Alabama Crimson Tide, in the CFP National Championship presented by AT&T.*

Once again, McLovin has positioned himself as the unlikely Locus Of Evil down the stretch in our beloved BRFL contest. 

No, fuckers, I haven't done the math. But since Ronde's Runnin' Rebs took the douche vs. Baylor there is probably, dare I say it, a statistical probability that the Lovin could take The Cheese with a win here on Monday night. 

I know, I know. Perish the thought. Imagine a night of gourmet dining, under the Tiki lights @ 30 Fair, ruined by being forced to swallow McLovin's victory farts. I don't like it. You don't like it. And the American People don't like it.
But it could happen.

The cruelest cut is that we, BRFL Brothers and Sisters, can't wish that it WON'T happen. To do that would be to tacitly support Nick Saban.
Which is something we simply cannot do.

So, roll the bones, Compadres.

And let there finally be an end to it.

*Remember, if you get this one right you bag 3 points. 

Commissioner for Life


  1. McCHAMPIONSHIPLovin'DawgJanuary 8, 2022 at 9:29 PM


  2. Replies
    1. Not so fast, My Friend.
      MyLittleBrony comes to his senses and picks Georgia.
