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Monday, January 10, 2022

McLovin makes his move for The Cheese

McLovin is coming to steal The Cheese.

Here's how it could shake out:

At last count Ronde' had a monstrous 43 points in the BRFL. 
McLovin had a respectable but unimpressive 21. 

But then McLovin turned on the jets and won the CFP semi and ran off a string of wins in GG, including a couple sweeps. One of those sweeps was Round 4, the CFP semi round. He banked 8 GG points that day alone. And set himself up for 6 more if he picks the Natty. That would land him at 47 GG points. Probably not enough to win GG outright but enough to pick up a few points toward his BRFL total. 
But, wait. 
There's more.
He won a CFP semi game. 7 points puts him at 28. Wins the Natty? 12 points puts him at 40 in the BRFL. Add one for the no drop. 41.The last AP Poll had Georgia at #3. If they win? Well. 2 points for the move up. That's 43. 

And so we see, Brothers and Sisters, that if McLovin wins this game he TAKES THE CHEESE. 
Ronde' can't pull a rabbit out of a hat with GG points either because he is only picking for 3 on the win tonight since he inexplicably didn't pick the CFP GG round (I checked. It's sad. 😟). And The Ron only had 33 GG points anyway so, like, misery and sucking. 
The Matt Corrall injury looms large. If only Ole Miss could have dumped Baylor. 

Oh well. 💔

Of course, if McLovin loses this game it's a whole different story. 


Commissioner for Life


  1. Are you fucking kidding me? We incorporated GG into the BRFL two years ago. The season before the Covid cancelled season. Do you use illicit drugs? Here's the deal, as set down in the Living Document. Since we had a bitch of a time getting money for GG (since everyone was usually drunk at the pay out when it came time to ante up) we changed the rules: if you finish first in GG, or tied for first, you get ten points toward your BRFL total. Helps mitigate losses in the BRFL. Fewer people facing financial ruin and a year of eating Chef Boyardee instead of real food. We award BRFL points all the way down to the dumb fuck who finishes 10th in GG. Then we stop. Because stupid is one thing but pitiful is something else again, my retarded friend. For God's sake. Pay attention.

    1. McNATTYCHAMPIONSHIPWINNERLovin'January 11, 2022 at 12:11 PM

      Maybe you can hold a seminar, in person or virtual, to point out pertinent parts of the Living Document before the next season, Mr. Commissioner.....good synopsis above btw

  2. Had no clue gg could could fuck me in that way.
    But I also don’t watch football. Just Venmo me some fucking scratch.

    1. You want me to send you a copy of the Living Document to go with your other ten copies of the Living Document, Ronde'?

      Venmo me ten bucks for the NFL pool and be ready to pick your playoff team. You can run but you cannot hide. I will find you.

    2. McBEENTHEREGETTINGFUCKEDLovin'January 11, 2022 at 12:13 PM

      R- EVERYTHING can fuck you in the BRFL

  3. Congrats McLovin’. Had the Pleasure of watching the game on cable in my lil’camper in Richmond Hills, Georgia. You’re cracker brothers here sure put on a show. They were impressed to hear all about you. I gave them your address. Told them that you voted for Hillary

  4. Thanks BroFro,
    Cooter and Bubba and the boys are always welcome at the compound on Barker Hill, but if they come with ill intent they may have trouble breaching the perimeter.
    Who's Hillary?

  5. Barker Hill? I told them Fair Street next to the big brick house. One with that little Swiss dog. Confused I guess

    1. McDODGEDTHATBULLETLovin'January 11, 2022 at 4:52 PM

      Phew, We better warn the Commish, that mistaken identity address could pose a big problem.
