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Sunday, October 6, 2019

GG Week 6 Results

GG Week 6 Results;

The Games;

Michigan 10 over visiting Iowa 3.
Auburn 13 at Florida 24.
Ohio State pulls away from Meechy State, 34 - 10.

BroFro; Well, you got the Ohio State game right. 1 to go to 20.
KBron; The only guy to pick Florida. But he shied away from Meechy. Only 2 to go to 17.
Rhandi; A shit show. Only 1 to go to 16. Anybody can pick Ohio State to win these days, Genius.
McLovin; Samesies as Rhandi. Do you guys have a relationship? 1 to go to 16.
Q; 1 out of 3 is, well, not that great. You get 1 to go to 15.
SeannieG; A weenie 1 for you as well. When did your wife pass you in football knowledge? Total 14.
BoSuke; A very respectable 2. Let down by the Plainsmen. Total 14.
CCS; Nice deuce. If only Auburn had their shit together Saturday. Total 14.
DPo; A double. WTF with Auburn, right? Kind of fucked you over. Total 14.
Timmy; No entry. The life of an international double-aught spy is complex. Stay at 13.
Snottie; Picks up 2. Oh, the pain. Almost like your sister stealing your wallet. Only worse. Total 13.
Skhank; Played it safe. Got 1 right. That's sad and pathetic. 12.
Obama; Nails the deuce. Again, sold down the river by Auburn. Bad feelings towards them? 12.
Kitten; Got 2. Of course the Plainsmen shit all over your weekend. But, then again, so did everybody else (see "BRFL Week 6 Results"). Be proud of your 12 total.*
SockPuppet; We salute the first GGer to ever "bet the ranch". Of course, it was a complete disaster but still. Showed moxie. Bet the ranch with half of his 16 point total. Lost. Minus 8, but got a respectable 2 correct so ends a nightmarish weekend with 10. Yes, that's last place in GG right now. Just exactly how are you feeling about Auburn at this moment, SockPuppet?

* These Kittenish results reflect corrections starting back in week 3, when he picked Wake Forest and I missed it, and week 4 when he swept and I totally missed it. It thought he had TAMU but even then the math was wrong. Kitten is now squared away. Don't make fun of him. I'm a MAN. I'm 60! You make fun of me. 

Commissioner for Life


  1. Sheeeeeit! I thought I posted but apparently not. It's ok. I was in the Ukraine negotiating for a golf resort investment in exchange for whatever my grifting ass could get from them. This was an OK week to miss in retrospect given no sweeps.

    1. It might be better to email or text me your picks. Sometimes the blog can be problematic. Do you have your picks from last week? I can enter them now. Honor system has held up well in GG since the beginning. Kitten had a similar problem several weeks ago that I'm sleuthing on.
