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Sunday, September 29, 2019

GG Week 5 Results

The mullet is a symbol of power.

GG Week 5:

Wash U buries USC, 28 -14. "Fight on" my ass, Bitches.
Utah blows out Wash State 38 -23. Mike Leach has unkind words for his squad.
The MulletMaster dumps KState 26 -13. Respect the Mullet.

BroFro; Nobody's fooling this savvy Bitch. SWEEP! 5 to go to 19. Can I have a little awe here?
SockPuppet. 3 for 3. SWEEP! 5 to go to 16. Unreal type shit.
Rahndi: Respected the Mullet. That's about it. 1 to go to 15.
KBroHole; Should have respected the Mullet. 2 to go to 15. Disappointing? Well...yeah.
McLovin; Tapped USC. Honest mistake. 2 to go to 15. Still finding it hard to like you.
Q the Vooman; The USC pitfall. A suckers play. 2 to go to 14. If only there was a Liberace for GG.
SeannieG; No respect for the Cowboy Coaches Coiffure. 2 to go to 13. You are a mediocre Bitch.
Timmy! Good picks forgot the Mullet?! You're not the Man I used to know. 13.
DPo; Steps to the plate and swings the axe. SWEEP! 5 to go to 12. Satisfaction guaranteed.
CCS: In the batter's box and swingin' for the fences... SWEEP! 5 to go to 12. Sweet Mammy!
'BoSuke; 1 out of 3?! Not too shabby. Respect my shorts while you eat them. 12, Bitches.
Snottie; Everything but the USC game. What were you thinking, PeaBrain? 11.
SkHank; THIS Douchebag. Home run and I don't know how. SWEEP! 5 to go to 11. Gag me.
Obama; 2. Missed out on the Mullet. What gives? You're supposed to be really smart. 10.
Kitten; 2. Whiff on the Mullet. Okay, this was a "back-yard" game for you. Are you a retard? 10.

Commissioner for Life

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