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Sunday, September 15, 2019

GG Week 3 Results

Sad face

GG Week 3 Results

Wake Forest holds off a 4th quarter North Carolina rally, 24- 18.
Iowa a little too much for Iowa State, muffed punt doesn't help. 18 -17 Hawkeyes.
TCU dominates the Boilers. Texas Christian 34, Purdue 13.

BroFro; 3 for 3 for the SWEEP! The Leader in the clubhouse with 12 total.
Timmy!; 2 to go to 9. North Carolina? Really?
Sock Puppet; 2 to go to 9. 1 point away from glory.
Randi; 2 to go to 9. Mack Brown is old.
'BoSuke; 2 to go to 9. Fuck you, Iowa.
KBro; 1. 8 the total. North Carolina is a basketball school.
McLovin; Let me guess; the kids talked you into going with the TarHeels? 2 to get 8.
Q; 2 to go to 7. Interesting. You aren't terrible at this.
THE Snott King; 1. In the mix. Sort of. Total 7.
SeannieG; 2 to go to 6. Everybody wants Q to do well. You... not so much.
DPo; Got one right. Total is 5.
CCS; 1 to go to 5. Why are you sucking so badly this year? Puzzling.
SkHank; No entry. Figures. 4
Obama; 2 to reach 3. Meh.
Kitten; 1 for the Wake Forest pick. You have 3.
Commissioner for Life

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