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Thursday, September 26, 2019

BRFL Week 4 Results

BRFL Week 4 Results

Fucking Randi; Virginia 28, Old Dominion 17. Color me less than totally impressed. Old Dominion? Wow. Marquee win. Still, here we are. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. Dumbfuck AP spots you +3 (against Old Dominion). +5 on the weekend. Ridiculously, you already had 13. You have +18. Am I the only one who's outraged by this?

Obama: Texas 36, Oklahoma State 30. Douche Tom Herman very lucky that Mike Gundy is drunk most of the time. You get 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. AP gifts you 1 more. Nice 3 pointer on the weekend. You had 1. You have +4. Total control of second place.

BroFro; Army 52 - Morgan State 21. I don't care who "Morgan State" is but they got their bores re-tooled by the Knights. Fuck 'em. 1 for the win. Had 2. Got 3. Good enough for third place. That's how wide the gulf is between us and Randi. I'm going to puke.

Komronovich, Russian Spy; Florida opens up a can of whoop-ass on hopeless Tennessee, 34-3. Let's all pour a little Four Loco out for Mind Freak on this one. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. Had 1. Got 3. Third place. Like that means anything, Tool.

Q the Vooman; Oregon with a 21 - 6 pasting of a suck-ass Stanford squad. Is this anything to be proud of? AP says, "Si!". 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, +3 for the move up. AP-style. 5 point weekend. Erase your former minus 2. You've got +3, locked up with Komronovich and BroFro. Not sure how you feel about that.

Timmy!; Georgia 23, Notre Dame 17. First half good. Second half lame. Now we can erase the bullshit about Notre Dame being good this year. No win. No no drop point. AP says, "fuck you" with a minus three. You had 5. You are now Liberace's Ass-boy with +2.

Kitten: Pittsburgh (that's right, Pittsburgh) 35, UCF 34. Woe to the Black Knights. A merciless AP docks you minus 7 for this inexcusable fuck up. You had +7. You are now at zero. Playoff? I don't think so. Burn, Bitch.

CCS; Alabama 49, Southern Mississippi 7. The Tide vanquishes another powerhouse. Seriously? It's getting kind of old. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. AP yawns. Minus 1 the total. The long, boring crawl to the final four rolls on. Eternal damnation is your path, Blasphemer.

Jimbosuke; Disaster strikes. USC 30, Utah 17. Utah was sloppy and bad. No match for USC's hyper- talented receiving corps. Practically kill the USC second string QB? No problem. Third stringer Fink rains bombs into double coverage. Utah had to win this game to make the PAC-12 playoff. Fucking no way in hell. No win. No no drop point. And a sickening 9 point plunge from the butthole AP. Had +10. Have +1. I hate you all.

McLovin; Clemson 52, Charlotte 10. Who the fuck is "Charlotte"? And who isn't sick of hearing about Trevor Lawrence? "Trevor"? Really? 1 for the foregone conclusion win. 1 for the no drop. AP snoozes. Play somebody, Bitches. 2 on the weekend. Had minus 4. Total minus 2.

SkHank; We've been over this but let's do it again, just for fun. Oregon crushes the Cardinal 21 - 8. David Shaw has lost control. All that money. All those valedictorians. Well, uh, my dick-torian. Naught points on the weekend. You have minus 3.

SockPuppet; Nebraska 42, Illinois 38. Ummmm, is Illinois good? Night game at home vs. The Men of the Scarlet and Gray this weekend. Right now, enjoy your minus 3.

DPo; Washington State and Crazier-Than-A-Shithouse-Rat Mike Leach give up 50 (Fifty) points in the second half to lose to UCLA and drop out of the AP Top 25. How do I REAM thee? Let me count the ways: Minus 6 on the blown-hydraulics death-spiral down from #19 in the AP. Then, yeah, Bitch, bend o'er 'n let me REAM ya'll for 5 more!  Minus 11 on the weekend. Had +10. Have minus 1.

SeannieG: Oklamoha with the bye. Leaped by the Scarlet and Gray. Awe. Bummer. Minus 1 on the the weekend, ToolBelt. Drop to minus 4, Pukazoid.

The Snott King; Wisconsin 35, Meechy 14 in a thorough drubbing in Madison. So much sadness in Ann Arbor now. It doesn't get any easier from here. Back to the drawing board for KhakiPants. Brutal minus 9 punishment at the hands of the AP. You had minus 5. Still owning last place with minus 14. Right now you owe Randi 32 dollars.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Wake up and smell the Ovaltine, little brother.........

    CCS has Bama this season
    I,THE McLovin, have CLEMSON

  2. I'm too pretty to get reamed like this. The Commish should have the common courtesy to offer me a reach around.
